For Young Readers
Jesus Christ Named His Church

“Jesus Christ Named His Church,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories for Young Readers (2021)

“Jesus Christ Named His Church,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories for Young Readers

Doctrine and Covenants Stories for Young Readers

Jesus Christ Named His Church

Read about this story in Doctrine and Covenants 115–120.

image of Jesus

Jesus Christ told Joseph Smith what to name the Church. He said it would be called “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

Church sign outside chapel

The words Jesus Christ are the most important part of the Church’s name. Since it is Jesus Christ’s Church, it is named after Him.

children holding scriptures in different languages

Latter-day Saints means the members of the Church today.

boy and grandma watching prophet during conference

Prophets and apostles have taught that using the correct name of the Church is important. It helps others know we believe in Jesus Christ.

girl showing friend painting of Jesus at her house

When others ask me what I believe, I can say, “I believe in Jesus Christ. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

Coloring Page

I Believe in Jesus Christ

What helps you learn about Jesus?

coloring page of children holding picture of Jesus

Illustration by Apryl Stott
