For Young Readers
Setting Up Jesus Christ’s Church Again

“Setting Up Jesus Christ’s Church Again,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories for Young Readers, 2021

“Setting Up Jesus Christ’s Church Again,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories for Young Readers

Doctrine and Covenants Stories for Young Readers

Setting Up Jesus Christ’s Church Again

Read about this story in Doctrine and Covenants 20–22; 23–26.

Joseph Smith teaches crowd

On April 6, 1830, there was a special meeting in a log house. Joseph Smith set up Jesus Christ’s Church again on earth.

Joseph Smith blesses the sacrament

Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery blessed and passed the sacrament.

Joseph Smith baptizes woman

After the meeting was over, several people got baptized.

Emma Smith sings

A few months later, God called Emma Smith to put together a songbook for the Church. That way people could sing songs during Church meetings.

primary singing time

I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I can sing songs and take the sacrament each week.

Coloring Page

I Like to Go to Church

What do you like about going to church?

coloring page of I Like to Go to Church

Illustration by Apryl Stott
