Scripture Stories
Chapter 46: Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail: November 1838–April 1839

“Chapter 46: Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail: November 1838–April 1839,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2002), 172–74

“Chapter 46,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories, 172–74

Chapter 46

Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail

November 1838–April 1839

couple in wagon

Joseph Smith and his friends were imprisoned for many days in Richmond, Missouri. Then they were taken to a jail in Liberty, Missouri.

Joseph and his friends were kept in Liberty Jail for more than four months. They suffered very much. The jail was cold and dirty, and sometimes they were tied with chains. They had to sleep on the floor.

The food was not good. Sometimes it was poisoned and made them sick.

Joseph was sad. He did not know if he and his friends would ever get out of jail. He was worried about his family and the members of the Church.

Joseph prayed to ask Heavenly Father how long he and the Saints would have to suffer. He also asked Heavenly Father to help them.

Answering this prayer, Jesus told Joseph to have peace. He said Joseph’s troubles would last only a little while. Jesus also said that if Joseph would be faithful, God would bless him. Jesus told Joseph that his friends still loved him and that he would soon be with them.

Jesus said the wicked people who had hurt the Saints would be punished. They and their children would suffer. They would not have the priesthood.

Jesus told Joseph that many good things would happen to the Saints. Nothing could stop God from blessing them. The Holy Ghost would teach them wonderful things about the heavens and the earth.

Jesus said Joseph should not be afraid of what men could do to him. Jesus said problems and suffering can be for our good because they help us learn. Jesus reminded Joseph that He had suffered more than anyone else. Jesus encouraged Joseph to be faithful and promised that God would be with him.
