undefined undefined I’m Opening My Heart
Holiday Initiatives
I’m Opening My Heart

Tuesday, March 30

Starting Today I’m Opening My Heart

Jesus healing a blind man

Jesus invites us to “love one another” (John 13:34). He declares that the first great commandment is to love God with all our hearts, and the second is to love our neighbor as ourselves (see Mark 12:28–31). Is there someone who could use your love today?


In Jerusalem, Jesus Christ is surrounded by followers and critics alike. As the Master Teacher, He does not let the opportunity go to waste. Here, in the last week of His life, He shares eternal truths with the assembled masses.

He lets them (and us) know that one of the greatest ways we can serve God is to love one another. As we increase our capacity to love and work on strengthening the relationships in our lives, each of us will grow into the person Jesus knows we can become.

For Children

What did our current prophet teach us about loving everyone? Read President Russell M. Nelson’s latest message in the Friend magazine.