Previous Editions

“Commit,” Education for Better Work (2014), 36–37

“Commit,” Education for Better Work, 36–37



How will I make daily progress?

Time:Set the timer to 10 minutes for the Commit section.

Practice:Choose your action partner. Decide when and how you will contact each other.

Action partner’s name

Contact information

Read each commitment aloud to your action partner. Promise to keep your commitments! Sign below.


I will talk to at least five people to gather information for my education plan.

My goal: 5 8 10

I will prepare my education plan for presentation.

I will practice today’s My Foundation principle and teach it to my family.

I will add to my savings—even a coin or two.

I will report to my action partner.

My signature

Action partner’s signature

How will I report my progress?

Practice:Before the next meeting, use this commitment chart to record your progress. In the boxes below, write “Yes,” “No,” or the number of times you kept the commitment.

Talked to at least five people about my education choices (Write #)

Prepared education plan presentation (Yes/No)

Practiced Foundation principle and taught it to family (Yes/No)

Added to savings (Yes/No)

Reported to action partner (Yes/No)

Read:Also, remember to track your personal expenses on the back of your My Path to Self-Reliance booklet.

At our next group meeting, the facilitator will draw a commitment chart on the board (like the one above). We will arrive 10 minutes before the meeting begins and write our progress on the chart.

Choose someone to facilitate the My Foundation topic at our next meeting. Remind him or her to follow the material and not to bring in extra material. (Don’t know how to facilitate a My Foundation topic? Read page 17 and the inside front cover.)

Ask someone to offer a closing prayer.

Feedback Welcome

Please send your ideas, feedback, suggestions, and experiences to
