English Learning
How Do I Prepare for a Conversation Group?

“How Do I Prepare for a Conversation Group?,” EnglishConnect for Teachers (2023)

“How Do I Prepare for a Conversation Group?,” EnglishConnect for Teachers

learners smiling in their conversation group

How Do I Prepare for a Conversation Group?

The conversation group is essential to the EnglishConnect experience. In the conversation group, learners have opportunities to practice meaningful conversations. As they meet, learners can gain confidence, learn from the Spirit, and support each other.

Speaking English helps learners progress and is an important way to seek the gift of tongues. You can lead a conversation group using simple English. If needed, learners can refer to translations in the EnglishConnect learner manuals in their native languages. Translation is provided for objectives, principles of learning, vocabulary, and instructions.

Before your conversation group meets, review each section in the EnglishConnect learner manuals. Below are some steps to help you prepare:

  1. Pray and seek God’s help.

  2. Consider how you will foster faith, fellowship, and growth in the group.

    1. How can I invite the Spirit?

    2. How can I help learners seek and recognize the Lord’s help?

    3. How can I help learners love and support each other?

    4. How can I help learners speak English and improve?

  3. Study the principle of learning.

    1. How have I experienced this principle?

    2. How can I help learners apply this principle?

    3. How can I apply the principle in my teaching?

  4. Review the vocabulary and patterns.

    1. Can I confidently use the vocabulary and patterns in a conversation?

  5. Read activities 1–3.

    1. How will I demonstrate each activity?

    2. How will I pair learners for practice?

    3. How will I support learners as they practice?

  6. Review the “Evaluate” section.

    1. How will I help learners feel successful?

    2. How will I help learners use the “Personal Study Tracker” in the learner manual?

  7. Review the “Act in Faith to Practice English Daily” section.

    1. How will I encourage learners to do the “Personal Study” section before the group meets and to practice English daily?

    2. How will I encourage learners to rely on the Lord?

Review the section “Group Resources” in this manual. (These resources are also included in the EnglishConnect learner manuals.) Plan how you will use these resources. The section “Conversation Group Phrases” includes simple phrases that can help the group interact in English. “Praying in English” includes simple patterns to help learners pray in English. You can invite participants to review this section to prepare to offer the opening or closing prayers.

Additional teaching resources and examples are found in Gospel Library and at englishconnect.org/teacher.

Friends of Other Faiths

two learners practice conversations in english

A focus on faith-based learning is one of the things that makes EnglishConnect unique. You can include people from different faith backgrounds by helping them reflect on how the principle of learning may apply to them. You can use the “Principles of Learning Glossary” in the EnglishConnect learner manuals to help them understand gospel terms. As guided by the Spirit, consider inviting them to share what they are learning as you discuss the principle of learning. Always show respect for others’ beliefs while openly sharing your faith that God can help them learn English.

You can find additional ideas in the introduction of the Preach My Gospel manual; see the section “Use of Preach My Gospel by Church Members.”

Working with Youth

young woman smiling

EnglishConnect can bless the lives of youth. Stakes, wards, and missions can organize groups just for youth. If youth and adult groups are combined, consider grouping youth together for practice activities.

Remember to follow Church policies for protecting youth. Minors (age 18 or under and living at home) must have a signed parental consent form before attending the group. Forms are available in multiple languages online at englishconnect.org/resources/leader. Additionally, EnglishConnect courses must follow the Church policy that at least two responsible adults are always present during group meetings. You must follow these policies even if the group is meeting virtually.
