English Learning
What Is the Role of the Teacher?

“What Is the Role of the Teacher?,” EnglishConnect for Teachers (2023)

“What Is the Role of the Teacher?,” EnglishConnect for Teachers

EnglishConnect teacher helps two learners in their EnglishConnect group

What Is the Role of the Teacher?

Your role as an EnglishConnect teacher is to help learners develop English conversation skills in an environment of faith, fellowship, and growth. The Spirit is the true teacher. You can help learners feel the Spirit, feel they belong, and feel confident that with Heavenly Father’s help they can learn English. You will help learners as you focus on the following:

Foster Faith

Encourage learners to seek and recognize the Lord’s help in learning English. Encourage them to apply the principles of learning “by study and also by faith” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:118). Help learners recognize the Lord’s love, power, and mercy in their lives. Invite them to share their faith-building experiences. Share your experiences about receiving the Lord’s help. (See the section “Help Learners Come unto Jesus Christ” from Teaching in the Savior’s Way [2022].)

Foster Fellowship

Invite the Spirit by helping learners love and support each other. Help them feel God’s love. Create a welcoming environment where all learners feel they belong. Get to know the learners and help them get to know each other. Help them build confidence as they practice, make mistakes, and improve together. (See the section “Love Those You Teach” from Teaching in the Savior’s Way [2022].)

Foster Growth

Help learners act in faith to practice English and improve. Some learners may lack confidence in their abilities to learn English. You can help. When you speak English to them, you show your faith that God can help them learn. Encourage learners to speak English. Praise their efforts. Help learners remember why they are learning English. Encourage them to set goals and practice English daily. (See the section “Invite Diligent Learning” from Teaching in the Savior’s Way [2022].)

My Role

  • I foster faith by helping learners seek and recognize the Lord’s help in learning English.

  • I foster fellowship and invite the Spirit by helping learners love and support each other.

  • I foster growth by helping learners act in faith to practice English and improve.
