English Learning
How Can I Improve My Teaching?

“How Can I Improve My Teaching?,” EnglishConnect for Teachers (2023)

“How Can I Improve My Teaching?,” EnglishConnect for Teachers

group of learners practicing

How Can I Improve My Teaching?

Just as learners will improve over time, you will also increase in confidence and improve over time. The Lord will sustain you as you serve and help learners in your group. He will teach you “line upon line, precept upon precept” (2 Nephi 28:30). Trust that Heavenly Father will help you as you seek the Spirit and work to improve.

Strategies for Teaching a Language

Below are some strategies for teaching English. Unlike language classes that focus on grammar instruction, vocabulary drills, or pronunciation practice, EnglishConnect conversation groups focus on helping learners use the language in meaningful ways. As you apply these strategies, you will be able to better help learners.

Speak English

Speaking English helps learners progress and is an important way to seek the gift of tongues. Do your best to speak only English and invite learners to do the same. Use simple vocabulary and short sentences. Speak slowly and repeat words and phrases as needed. After you ask a question, give learners plenty of time to think and respond. Use the words and patterns learners are currently practicing. As you lead the activities, you can refer learners to the translated activity instructions provided in the EnglishConnect learner manuals.

Demonstrate Activities

Showing learners what to do is often more helpful than telling them what to do. Use the example conversation at the beginning of each activity to model what learners will do as they practice. You can play both roles in the conversation, or you can ask learners to help you demonstrate.

Encourage Conversation

Learners will gain confidence and learn more quickly as they practice using the language. Don’t worry about correcting every mistake; just help learners engage in conversation. Manage your time so that most of the group time is spent in partner conversations.

Support Repetition

Repetitive practice builds confidence and fluency. Encourage learners to switch partners and practice again. Changing partners gives learners more opportunities to listen and say new things. When learners use what they know with different people, it helps them solidify what they are learning. It also increases their confidence and fosters fellowship.

Empower Learners

Learners need to feel your love and encouragement. Help learners overcome fear by celebrating every effort to speak English. Observe and engage with each group and listen while learners are practicing with each other. Praise them often. Practice with them and help them experience success. Point out all the ways they are learning and improving. As you love and encourage learners, you create an environment of faith, fellowship, and growth.

Improving as a Christlike Teacher

As an EnglishConnect teacher, you have a unique opportunity to minister to others. The principles of Christlike teaching apply to you. You can learn and apply principles from the resource Teaching in the Savior’s Way (2022). Under the direction of your priesthood leader, you can attend teacher council meetings. You can also periodically assess how you’re doing and identify areas you can improve by using “Improving as a Christlike Teacher—A Personal Evaluation” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 37). Recognize what you are doing well. Identify areas you want to improve and make specific plans to apply what you are learning.

Remember, the most important thing you can do is love the learners and seek to be led by the Spirit as you foster faith, fellowship, and growth.
