Handbooks and Callings
17. Teaching the Gospel

“17. Teaching the Gospel,” Selections from the General Handbook (2023).

“17. Teaching the Gospel,” Selections from the General Handbook

mother teaching son


Teaching the Gospel

We teach the gospel to help people strengthen their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.


Principles of Christlike Teaching

When teaching the gospel, parents, teachers, and leaders follow the example of Jesus Christ, who is the Master Teacher.

Leaders share the following principles of Christlike teaching with teachers in their organizations. These principles are explained in more detail in Teaching in the Savior’s Way.


Love Those You Teach

Everything the Savior does is an expression of His love (see 2 Nephi 26:24).


Teach by the Spirit

Teachers seek the Spirit’s guidance as they prepare and teach, and they strive to live worthy of His influence each day.


Teach the Doctrine

Following the Savior’s example, teachers focus on the essential, saving truths of the gospel. They teach using the scriptures, the teachings of latter-day prophets, and approved curriculum materials.


Invite Diligent Learning

Teachers encourage members to be responsible for their own learning.


Home-Centered Gospel Learning and Teaching

Church leaders and teachers encourage and support home-centered gospel learning and teaching.

Leaders and teachers encourage members to seek their own inspiration about how to study and teach the gospel. Their main resources should be the scriptures and general conference messages.


Leaders’ Responsibilities

  • Set an example by learning the gospel and teaching it in the Savior’s way.

  • Ensure that the teaching in their organizations builds faith and is doctrinally correct.

  • Give ongoing support to the teachers in their organizations.


Teacher Council Meetings

In teacher council meetings, teachers counsel together about principles of Christlike teaching. They also counsel about how to improve gospel learning and teaching. They use Teaching in the Savior’s Way as a resource.

Teacher council meetings are held quarterly during the 50-minute class time on Sunday.
