1. JustServe: An Overview

“1. JustServe: An Overview,” JustServe Community Service Guidebook (2020)

“1. JustServe: An Overview,” JustServe Community Service Guidebook


JustServe: An Overview

What Is JustServe?

JustServe is a community service initiative to help people follow the Savior’s admonition to “love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:39) by providing a platform where the entire community can find voluntary opportunities to assist those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community. This is not intended to be a burden on time and resources, nor is it a duty to feel anxious or guilty about. It is meant to be truly voluntary for those who seek a way to give such service. Because this is a volunteer effort, there are no quotas or record-keeping requirements.

How Does JustServe Help People Find Service Opportunities?

To help organizations find volunteers willing to help, the Church has developed the JustServe.org website and the JustServe app, where service opportunities are posted. Anyone can use the resources to find service projects that meet their skills, interests, and availability. The Church provides this website and app as a free service to the community.

How Will JustServe Be Implemented?

JustServe is a tool to use rather than a responsibility or program. However, in order to help people in their desire to serve the community, JustServe needs to be implemented through stakes and wards. Thus, the stake presidents organize a JustServe working group composed of members of the stake council and others (see “Checklists for Implementing JustServe in Coordinating Councils, Stakes, Wards, and Missions”). Using the general guidelines in “JustServe Stake and Ward Implementation,” the group members counsel together to identify and evaluate volunteer needs at faith-based, nonprofit, community, or government organizations and post those needs on JustServe.org. People can volunteer through JustServe.org as individuals, families, quorums, Relief Society groups, classes, or wards. Missionaries may be assigned by their mission president to participate in JustServe projects. Anyone in the community may use JustServe.org and the app.

As JustServe becomes established in your area, faith-based, nonprofit, community, and government organizations will be invited and authorized to post their own volunteer needs. They can then share JustServe as a resource for their audiences. Everyone is welcome to use the website to find and submit volunteer opportunities.
