2. JustServe Stake and Ward Implementation

“2. JustServe Stake and Ward Implementation,” JustServe Community Service Guidebook (2020)

“2. JustServe Stake and Ward Implementation,” JustServe Community Service Guidebook

people working together


JustServe Stake and Ward Implementation

General Guidelines

  1. The best service opportunities are collaborative—working side by side with others in faith-based, nonprofit, community, and government organizations.

  2. Community service opportunities should assist those in need or enhance the quality of life in the community.

  3. JustServe projects should not have a political or advocacy focus, be for-profit oriented, or directly involve volunteers in soliciting or handling money or participating in other prohibited activities (see JustServe.org/about).

Guidelines for Leaders, Parents, and Members

  1. JustServe.org supports parents and leaders in their responsibilities to teach principles of Christlike service and to plan service activities that bless others and build community relationships.

  2. Church members and missionaries volunteer in the community for the sole purpose and pure desire to help others in need, regardless of their beliefs. These are not proselyting ventures.

  3. Neither the Church nor its website JustServe.org discriminates based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation to screen projects for posting or volunteers who may sign up to serve.

  4. Not all projects posted on JustServe.org may be appropriate for Church-coordinated volunteers or families. To ensure that opportunities are suitable, read the project description carefully before volunteering.


  1. Create a stake JustServe working group from members of the stake council and others. The lead is the stake communication director or JustServe specialist, if one has been called. (See “Stake JustServe Working Group” in “Checklists for Implementing JustServe in Coordinating Councils, Stakes, Wards, and Missions.”)

  2. Counsel together to populate the website. The stake JustServe working group identifies service opportunities at organizations that meet JustServe guidelines. The stake communication director or JustServe specialist takes the lead in contacting organizations and assisting them in populating the website, although other working group members may help. This working group consults and coordinates with both the stake communication council and the stake welfare and self-reliance working group in outreach efforts.

  3. Invite members to serve. The stake Relief Society president or her representative takes the lead in introducing members to JustServe, helping them register and use the website, and encouraging participation in community service.

  4. Invitations to returning members, new converts, friends, and investigators are appropriate for JustServe opportunities.

  5. Once enough volunteer opportunities have been added to JustServe in your area, introduce JustServe to the community.

  6. Share positive experiences. Encourage JustServe organizations and participants to share their positive experiences in meetings, through social media, and at JustServe.org/stories.
