October 2023 Leadership Instruction
Showing How to Help Friends, New Converts, and Returning Members Feel Welcomed and Loved.

“Showing How to Help Friends, New Converts, and Returning Members Feel Welcomed and Loved.,” General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2023 (YYYY)

“Showing How to Help Friends,” General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2023

General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2023

Showing How to Help Friends, New Converts, and Returning Members Feel Welcomed and Loved.

Instruction from Elder Quentin L. Cook and Elder Ronald A. Rasband

President and Sister Nelson talking to a woman

Leaders and members can help friends, new converts, and returning members feel welcomed and loved.

  • We look to the Savior Jesus Christ as the perfect example of inviting and welcoming all to come unto Him.

  • Leaders and members work together to help friends, new converts, and returning members know that they “are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19).

  • Leaders set the example and show how to be welcoming as they warmly engage with individuals: smiling, listening, expressing gratitude, and offering fellowship. They create an environment of reverence to help others have a spiritual experience as they participate in the sacred ordinance of the sacrament.

  • Ward councils should regularly discuss ways to welcome and strengthen friends, new converts, and returning members (General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 23.5.5)

The two new missionary key indicators and the weekly coordination meeting can help friends, new converts, and returning members feel welcomed and loved.

  • The two new missionary key indicators—new members attending sacrament meeting and lessons with a member participating—can help members and missionaries align their efforts to welcome and show love to friends and new members.

  • Every week during the “brief informal” missionary coordination meeting, adult and youth leaders counsel with the missionaries to help friends, new converts, and returning members attend sacrament meeting and feel welcomed and loved as valued members of the Church (General Handbook, 23.5.7).

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