October 2023 Leadership Instruction
“Ye Shall Have Joy with Me” (Jacob 5:75)—The Connection between Worship at Home and Church

“‘Ye Shall Have Joy with Me’ (Jacob 5:75)—The Connection between Worship at Home and Church,” General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2023 (2023)

“The Connection between Worship at Home and Church,” General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2023

General Conference Leadership Meeting—October 2023

“Ye Shall Have Joy with Me” (Jacob 5:75)—The Connection between Worship at Home and Church

Instruction from Elder David A. Bednar

church buildings, families reading and studying

The Lord provides both sacred times and holy places to help us learn about and live the truths of His restored gospel and have enduring joy with Him.

Sacred times include “go[ing] to the house of prayer and offer[ing] up [our] sacraments upon [His] holy day” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:9), participating in priesthood ordinances, receiving and renewing covenants, and learning about our Savior Jesus Christ.

Holy places include houses of the Lord, meetinghouses, and approved facilities.

The principal purposes of both sacred time and holy places are identical: to repeatedly focus our attention upon our Heavenly Father and His plan, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement, the edifying power of the Holy Ghost, and the promises associated with the sacred covenants and ordinances of the Savior’s restored gospel.

Our ongoing Sabbath, temple, and home experiences can fortify us with the power of the Holy Ghost, with an ongoing and stronger covenant connection to the Father and the Son, and with “a perfect brightness of hope” (2 Nephi 31:20) in God’s eternal promises.

Our homes should be the ultimate combination of both sacred time and holy place wherein individuals and families can learn and remember that God is our Heavenly Father, we are His children, Jesus Christ is our Savior, and enduring joy is found in the Lord.

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