Fulfilling Your Missionary Role

“Fulfilling Your Missionary Role,” My Calling as a Ward Mission Leader (2018).

“Fulfilling Your Missionary Role,” My Calling as a Ward Mission Leader.

missionaries teaching

My Calling as a Ward Mission Leader

Fulfilling Your Missionary Role

One of your primary responsibilities is to minister to individuals and families and help other members and missionaries do the same. Some of the ways you can fulfill your missionary role are listed below:

  • Meet people who are being taught by the missionaries, and make sure they receive the fellowship and support they need.

  • Recognize that each person’s path to receiving the gospel is unique and may be short or very long. Generally, full-time missionaries should not stop teaching someone without first counseling with you.

  • Ensure that ward missionaries and full-time missionaries are communicating with individuals and families about their teaching schedules and lesson frequency, including discontinuing teaching.

  • Help members build lasting friendships with all people, whether they accept the gospel or not.

  • Consider how all Church programs and materials, such as youth and self-reliance programs, can help meet needs and desires of individuals of any faith.
