Doctrinal Mastery Review 13

Doctrinal Mastery Review 13

Memorize References and Key Scripture Phrases

A young woman sitting at a table in her home. Books and papers are spread out in front of her. She is holding a pen.

Remembering where to find scripture passages and what they teach can help you when you are sharing gospel truths with others. Your study today should help you memorize the scripture references and key scripture phrases for some of the New Testament doctrinal mastery passages.

Memorize key scripture phrases using pictures

This lesson can help you review the following doctrinal mastery scripture passages and reflect on how the truths taught in them can help you in many situations. If you have not yet marked these scripture passages and their key phrases in your scriptures, consider doing so.

Scripture Reference

Key Scripture Phrase

Scripture Reference

1 Corinthians 6:19–20

Key Scripture Phrase

“Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.”

Scripture Reference

1 Corinthians 11:11

Key Scripture Phrase

“Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.”

Scripture Reference

1 Corinthians 15:20–22

Key Scripture Phrase

“As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”

Scripture Reference

1 Corinthians 15:40–42

Key Scripture Phrase

In the Resurrection, there are three degrees of glory.

Illustrate the key phrase

Images and other visual cues can help us remember important information. Think about how using visuals could help you remember scripture references and key phrases.

  • What do the following symbols represent?

Black temple icon.
Illustration of a stop sign.
Handicap icon

The following are examples of doctrinal mastery passages depicted using symbols or images. Look at the images, and see if you can identify a doctrinal mastery passage and its key scripture phrase.

A person with an equal sign and a temple
Spot images representing the kingdom of the plan of salvation. Sun, Moon, Stars

1. Complete the following activity and include it in your study journal:

On four different note cards or small sheets of paper, rewrite each of the previously listed doctrinal mastery passages. On the opposite side of each card, create an illustration to help you remember the key phrases. You can draw your own pictures or use visuals such as clip art, emojis, or photos. This activity does not require you to be a skilled artist. Your illustration should be memorable but should not be irreverent or treat sacred topics lightly.

When you finish, use your illustrations to review the key scripture phrases. If possible, explain your illustrations to a friend or family member. Try to remember as much of the key phrase as possible.

Applying key scripture phrases to life

To review the passages you just practiced memorizing, take the following quiz, identifying which doctrinal mastery passage could be most helpful in each of the following situations:

  1. A young woman says, “I heard somewhere that because of Jesus Christ everyone will be resurrected. Is that true?”

  2. A friend wonders why we need to take care of our bodies if we are just going to get resurrected anyway.

  3. A friend doesn’t think marriage will be worth the effort.

  4. A young man’s grandpa just passed away, and the young man has questions about the afterlife.
