Hebrews 11, Part 2

Hebrews 11, Part 2

Living by Faith in Jesus Christ

Youth preparing food for service project in Puerto Rico

Have you ever wondered how some people remain faithful even when facing life’s most difficult trials? What do they understand about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that helps them endure? After teaching the Hebrew Saints about faith, Paul encouraged them to exercise their faith in Jesus Christ like other faithful people had done. This lesson can help you increase your desire to live by faith in Jesus Christ and recognize the blessings God gives you because of your faith.

Acting in faith

Think of individuals in the scriptures or Church history or people you know who were blessed by God because they exercised faith in Jesus Christ. The following images might help you remember some of these accounts.

The Old Testament prophet Enoch and people from the City of Zion being translated. The people are depicted kneeling on a cloud. Enoch has his arms raised in the air.
A woman lying on the ground as she reaches for the hem of the garment of Jesus Christ.
The Book of Mormon prophet Helaman riding on a white horse. Helaman is leading an army of 2,000 young Lamanite warriors. The warriors are marching and carrying spears. Scriptural reference: Alma 53:16-22.
Joseph Smith sitting on the floor on some straw in Liberty jail writing on a piece of paper with sunlight shining on him.
  • What stands out to you in this person’s story?

  • How are we influenced when we hear or share stories of faith? Why?

In the previous lesson, you learned about what it means for you to have faith in Jesus Christ. Think of how exercising increased faith in Him could strengthen you in areas where you may feel weak and vulnerable. It may help to record these impressions in your study journal. As you study today, ponder how you can increase your desire and ability to exercise your faith.

Those who live “by faith”

As recorded in Hebrews 11, Paul shared many examples of individuals in the Old Testament who lived “by faith” and “through faith.” You may notice these phrases repeated multiple times in Hebrews 11. As you study some of the examples Paul shared with the Hebrew Saints, think about how God’s love and generosity were shown in the rewards and blessings He bestowed upon those who acted in faith.

Create a two-column chart in your study journal similar to the following. Be sure to leave plenty of space below each heading.

How faith was exercised

How God rewarded faithful actions

Study at least one of the following sets of verses. As you study, record your insights in the chart in your study journal.

1. Answer the following questions in your study journal after studying and filling out your chart:

  • What were some of the ways the people mentioned in your verses exercised their faith in God?

  • What were some of the ways God rewarded them with His power and blessings?

  • What did you learn from these verses that could help you in your life?

  • From your study of these verses, what did you learn about God?

Through the faithful examples Paul shared, we can learn many truths about faith, God, and ourselves. One of the truths illustrated throughout this chapter is taught in Hebrews 11:6: God rewards those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ. If you haven’t already done so, consider marking “he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” in verse 6.

  • How could diligently seeking God be a way to exercise your faith?

  • Why do you think Heavenly Father is pleased when we exercise our faith?

2. Answer the following questions in your study journal:

  • Why do you think exercising faith is necessary for us to receive God’s blessings in our lives?

  • What can help you endure when blessings for faithful actions don’t seem to come?

Living by faith

In addition to blessing many people in the past for exercising faith in Him, God is also “a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6) in our day.

If possible, watch “Pure and Simple Faith” (5:21), available on As you watch the video, look for how God blessed a young woman and her family as they exercised their faith in Jesus Christ. Also be thinking about ways God has blessed you as you have exercised faith in Him.

Think about a time when you or someone you know received God’s blessings for exercising faith in Jesus Christ.

3. Answer the following questions in your study journal:

  • What did you learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ from that experience?

  • How do you think that experience could help you in the future to exercise your faith in Them?

President Russell M. Nelson has taught:

Official portrait of President Russell M. Nelson taken January 2018

Everything good in life—every potential blessing of eternal significance—begins with faith. Allowing God to prevail in our lives begins with faith that He is willing to guide us.

(Russell M. Nelson, “Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains,” Liahona, May 2021, 102)

Reflect on what you have learned and how you have felt as you have studied about faith in Hebrews 11. What have you felt prompted to do as a result of what you have studied? What could you do to act with more faith in Jesus Christ? Record your thoughts and impressions in your study journal.

Optional: Want to Learn More?

How do I receive blessings from God?

Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:

Official portrait of Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, January 2016.

Most blessings that God desires to give us require action on our part—action based on our faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in the Savior is a principle of action and of power. First we act in faith; then the power comes—according to God’s will and timing. The sequence is crucial. The required action, though, is always tiny when compared to the blessings we ultimately receive [see Mosiah 2:24–25].

(Dale G. Renlund, “Abound with Blessings,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2019, 70)

What can I learn from examples of faithful Church members today?

The following videos recount examples of individuals who exercised faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Think about how their examples can influence you to exercise greater faith in your life. These videos are available on

  • Video: “My New Life” (8:20)

  • Video: “Sealed Together: The Manaus Temple Caravan” [14:14]

  • Video: “Living beyond ‘What If?’: Cambry Kaylor” [14:47]

  • Video excerpt: “Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice” [10:49–14:13]

If I don’t receive answers or blessings, am I not faithful enough?

Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:

Official Portrait (as of June 2016) of Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Miracles, signs, and wonders abound among followers of Jesus Christ today, in your lives and in mine. …

… They are not always what we ask for or what we expect, but when we trust in the Lord, He will be there, and He will be right. He will suit the miracle to the moment we need it. …

There are times we hope for a miracle to heal a loved one, to reverse an unjust act, or to soften the heart of a bitter or disillusioned soul. Looking at things through mortal eyes, we want the Lord to intervene, to fix what is broken. Through faith, the miracle will come, though not necessarily on our timetable or with the resolution we desired. Does that mean we are less than faithful or do not merit His intervention? No. We are beloved of the Lord. He gave His life for us, and His Atonement continues to release us from burdens and sin as we repent and draw close to Him.

The Lord has reminded us, “Neither are your ways my ways” [Isaiah 55:8]. He offers, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” [Matthew 11:28]—rest from worry, disappointment, fear, disobedience, concern for loved ones, for lost or broken dreams. Peace amidst confusion or sorrow is a miracle. Remember the Lord’s words: “Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?” [Doctrine and Covenants 6:23]. The miracle is that Jesus Christ, the Great Jehovah, the Son of the Highest, is responding with peace.

(Ronald A. Rasband, “Behold! I Am a God of Miracles,” Liahona, May 2021, 109, 111)
