Revelation 15–19

Revelation 15–19

“The Lamb Shall Overcome”

“He Comes Again to Rule and Reign” by Mary R. Sauer. Jesus Christ is descending to Earth at his Second Coming. There are men, women, and children surrounding him. He is wearing a red robe and is looking down at those who are gathering.

What comes to mind when you think of the prophesied last days? John the Revelator painted a vivid picture of the destruction and wickedness that would fill the world. But these circumstances will not last. Jesus Christ “shall overcome … for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings” (Revelation 17:14). This lesson can help you rely on Jesus Christ more confidently as you face the challenges of the last days.

Plagues, trials, and faith in the Lord

Illustration of angels pouring out the bowls of wrath onto the earth from the book of Revelation.

As part of John’s vision, the Lord showed John seven angels pouring out various plagues upon the wicked in the last days. These plagues included sores, water turning to blood, scorching heat, darkness, pain, thunder and lightning, an earthquake, and great hail (see Revelation 16).

Ponder the following questions:

  • What else do you know about the trials and wickedness of the last days? How do you feel about these trials?

  • How confident do you feel that the Lord can help you through any trials you may face? Why?

Before John wrote about the destruction and trials that would plague the people of the earth in the last days, he described something else. Read Revelation 15:2–4 and try to imagine what John was seeing.

  • Why might it be helpful to learn about exalted Saints dwelling in God’s presence before reading about the plagues John then describes?

As you continue your study, seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost to help you know and understand that you can turn to the Lord for help during the challenges of the last days. To help you better understand what is being taught in each chapter you will study, consider reading the chapter headings before reading the verses.

1. Complete two of the following activities in your study journal:

Option A: Angels and plagues

Thinking about the plagues John saw in Revelation 16 could cause us to worry. However, increasing our faith in Jesus Christ can help us overcome our worries. It is important to note that as the angels poured out their plagues, they testified of the Lord’s character. Knowing His character can help us increase our faith in Him.

Draw a simple picture of an angel. Then read Revelation 16:5, 7, looking for how the angels described the Lord and His judgments. Write next to your drawing what you feel the angels said.

  • Why might it be helpful for us to understand the Lord’s character as we learn about His judgment?

  • When in your life has it helped you to understand what God is like? How can remembering Jesus Christ’s character help you rely on Him?

Option B: Wickedness and the Savior’s power

Think of some examples of wickedness in the world and how it affects us.

  • If you had to think of a symbol to represent the wickedness of the world, what would it be? Why?

  • If you had to think of a reverent symbol or title to represent the Savior and how He can help us overcome this wickedness, what would it be? Why?

Divide a page of your journal in half. Read Revelation 17:3–7, 14, visualizing the symbols John used in these verses. On one side of the divided page in your journal write down key words or phrases used to describe wickedness. On the other side, write the symbols that represent Jesus Christ and the righteous. The following word helps may be useful:

  • Fornication (Revelation 17:4): immoral sexual acts. It could also be “a symbol for apostasy” (Guide to the Scriptures, “ Fornication,”

  • Babylon (Revelation 17:5): the name of a city known for its wickedness, used as a symbol for wickedness and worldliness

  • Harlot (Revelation 17:5): someone who commits immoral sexual acts for money or trade

  • Admiration (Revelation 17:6): astonishment, wonder (see verse 6, footnote c)

  • What did you learn from the symbols you read about?

  • What do the titles for Jesus Christ in verse 14 help you understand about Him?

  • What do you know about the way that the Lamb, or Jesus Christ, overcame all wickedness? (See Guide to the Scriptures, “Lamb of God,” What does this mean to you?

Option C: Marriage of the Lamb

  • What are some reasons families often celebrate at weddings?

John used the image of a marriage to teach us about the last days. This marriage he wrote about is symbolic of the Savior’s Second Coming.

Draw a simple picture of a bride and groom and write what you learn about each as you study.

Read Revelation 19:7–9 to see how the Lord encourages us to feel about this marriage. The bride in these verses is symbolic of the members of the Lord’s Church who are preparing themselves for Christ’s return.

  • According to verse 8, how are we to prepare for this marriage? What might that mean for you?

  • In what ways is a marriage an appropriate symbol for our covenant relationship with Jesus Christ?

  • How can the Savior’s return be a time of rejoicing for you?

Read the following scriptures and think about what you can do to prepare for the time when Jesus Christ comes again. You may want to mark what you find in your scriptures or write about it in your journal.

  • How do you feel about Jesus Christ and what He has done to prepare you for His coming?

2. Answer the following questions in your study journal:

  • From what you studied today, what did you learn that helps you rely on Jesus Christ?

  • What would you like to remember or do?

  • How do you feel this might help you during the trials of the last days?

Optional: Want to Learn More? 

Revelation 17. What can I learn from the symbolism of the woman on the beast?

The terms used to describe the woman who rode upon the beast attest to the great political and destructive power she will have over nations and kingdoms and people. … Her clothing depicts power and wealth (see verse 4); she is the “mother of harlots,” which indicates that she gives birth to other prostitutions—organizations, governments, and ideologies that spew forth wickedness (verse 5). John recorded that he was astonished at the greatness of the woman’s wickedness (see verse 6, footnote c). Nevertheless, in the end she will be overthrown by those she formerly ruled over (see verse 16; 1 Nephi 22:13). …

One possible meaning of John’s description in these verses is that in the last days, a lifestyle of sexual immorality, wealth, and violence would permeate the world (see also 1 Nephi 13:5–9). Institutions, governments, and people who embrace this lifestyle can be seen as part of Babylon. (New Testament Student Manual [2014], 560)

Where can I learn more about the symbolism in Revelation 15–19?

For commentary on the symbolism in these chapters, you may want to consult chapters 55 and 56 of the New Testament Student Manual (2014), available at
