Acts 6–9

Acts 6–9


Stephen performed mighty miracles with God’s power, but the Jews stoned him for his testimony of Jesus Christ. Philip taught an Ethiopian man about Jesus in a way that led him to believe and be baptized. As Saul traveled to Damascus to continue harassing the Saints, Jesus revealed Himself to Saul (see Acts 9:3–5). Afterward, Jesus helped Ananias see Saul the way He saw him.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.

Acts 6–7

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students ponder ways they can bless others by striving to follow Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, become like Them, and testify of Them.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to review their goals for the Children and Youth program and consider how they are becoming more like the Savior.

  • Video:The Martyrdom of Stephen” (5:42; watch from time code 3:25 to 5:34)

  • Image: Image of Stephen

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: When inviting students to role-play being in a ward council, it may be wise to put one or two students in charge of the council and ask them to ensure that everyone participates. If it would be more effective to have more than one council, consider putting each council in a breakout room.

Acts 8

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students ponder how they can use the scriptures to help others believe in and come unto Jesus Christ.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to think about spiritual tools or skills that have helped them grow stronger in the gospel. They will have an opportunity to share their ideas during the lesson.

  • Items: A hammer and nails, a screwdriver and screws, or other tools

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: After students have studied Isaiah 53:3–9 and answered the two questions about that passage, consider role-playing as a class. Take the role of the eunuch, and ask the class to help you understand these verses. Encourage several students to share their thoughts.

Acts 8:1–3; 9:1–20

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students ponder what the Lord does to help them change for the better and seek to know what He would have them do.

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Invite a student to come prepared with a marble to class. To begin the lesson, ask the student to roll the marble in a way the class can see. Then ask the first two questions of the lesson.

Acts 9:10–31

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students see the potential the Lord sees in others despite their weaknesses and past mistakes.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to ponder this question: “How might my relationships with family or friends change if I saw them the way the Savior does?”

  • Video:The Road to Damascus” (5:21; watch from time code 1:55 to 5:21)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Near the end of the lesson, there are three questions, the first of which is “What can you do to see people more like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ do?” Consider displaying all three of these questions and inviting students to select one and ponder their answer. Then ask several students to share their questions and answers.

Doctrinal Mastery Review 13

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students memorize the scripture references and key scripture phrases for some of the New Testament doctrinal mastery passages.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to practice memorizing the doctrinal mastery key phrases and scripture references in a way that works for them. Consider providing the chart from this lesson, or invite them to use the Doctrinal Mastery app if available.

  • Chart: The doctrinal mastery chart to display on the board or hand out

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Students could be invited to search for images rather than draw illustrations. They could then be invited to share their screens to display what they found. Classmates could guess the doctrinal mastery key phrases and passages that fit the images.
