Scripture Stories
Chapter 19: The Sermon on the Mount

“Chapter 19: The Sermon on the Mount,” New Testament Stories (2005), 48–50

“Chapter 19,” New Testament Stories, 48–50

Chapter 19


The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus teaching disciples

One day Jesus taught His disciples the gospel on a mountainside by the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus teaching disciples

He told them how to live so they could be happy and live with Heavenly Father again. The things He taught them can make us happy too.

Jesus teaching

Jesus said we should be gentle, patient, and willing to obey Heavenly Father.

Jesus teaching disciples

We should try as hard as we can to be righteous.

man hurting another man

We should forgive people who hurt us or make us feel bad. If we forgive them, Heavenly Father will forgive us.

couple sharing food with others

We should be peacemakers, love other people, and help everyone to love each other.

man talking to woman

We should not be afraid to tell people about the gospel or show them that we love Heavenly Father. When other people see us do good, it will help them believe in God too.

man giving woman money

We should always keep our promises.

man helping another man

And just as we want others to be kind to us, we should be kind to them.

Jesus teaching people

Jesus said that if we do these things, we will be happy, Heavenly Father will bless us, and we will live with Him again.