Scripture Stories
Chapter 24: Jairus’s Daughter Is Raised from the Dead

“Chapter 24: Jairus’s Daughter Is Raised from the Dead,” New Testament Stories (2005), 59–61

“Chapter 24,” New Testament Stories, 59–61

Chapter 24


Jairus’s Daughter Is Raised from the Dead

man kneeling

One day Jairus, a ruler of a synagogue, fell at the Savior’s feet.

man asking Jesus for help

Jairus said that his 12-year-old daughter was very ill. He begged Jesus to come and bless her. He believed that Jesus could make her better.

Jesus talking to woman

Jesus started to follow Jairus home, but He stopped to heal a woman. As He was talking to her, someone came to tell Jairus that it was too late—his daughter was dead.

Jesus talking to man

Jesus heard what was said. He told Jairus not to be afraid but to believe in Him.

people crying

Then Jesus went with Jairus to Jairus’s house. The house was filled with people who were crying because of the little girl’s death.

people laughing at Jesus

Jesus told them the girl was not dead but was sleeping. The people laughed at Him. They were sure the girl was dead.

people at girl’s bedside

The Savior had everyone leave the house except His disciples, Jairus, and Jairus’s wife. They went to the room where the little girl was lying.

Jesus healing girl

Jesus took the girl by the hand. He told her to get up. She stood up and walked. Her parents were amazed. Jesus told them not to tell anyone what had happened. Then He told her parents to give the girl something to eat.