undefined undefined Chapter 3: John the Baptist Is Born
Scripture Stories
Chapter 3: John the Baptist Is Born

“Chapter 3: John the Baptist Is Born,” New Testament Stories (2005), 10–11

“Chapter 3,” New Testament Stories, 10–11

Chapter 3


John the Baptist Is Born

angel talking to Mary

The angel Gabriel told Mary that Elisabeth was also going to have a baby boy. Mary and Elisabeth were relatives.

Mary and Elisabeth

Mary went to visit Elisabeth. The Holy Ghost told Elisabeth that Mary would be the mother of Jesus Christ. Mary and Elisabeth thanked God for blessing them. Mary stayed with Elisabeth for about three months. Then Mary went home to Nazareth.

Elisabeth and family with baby

Elisabeth’s son was born. Her friends and family were happy. They thought that the baby should have the same name as his father, Zacharias. But Elisabeth said that his name should be John. Everyone was surprised.

Zacharias writing

The people asked Zacharias what the baby’s name should be. Zacharias still could not talk, so he wrote, “His name is John.”

Zacharias smiling

Then Zacharias was able to speak again. He was filled with the Holy Ghost. He told the people that Jesus Christ would soon be born and that John would prepare the people for Him.

baby in bassinet

John grew up to become a great prophet. He taught people about Jesus Christ.