undefined undefined Chapter 8: Wicked King Herod
Scripture Stories
Chapter 8: Wicked King Herod

“Chapter 8: Wicked King Herod,” New Testament Stories (2005), 19–20

“Chapter 8,” New Testament Stories, 19–20

Chapter 8


Wicked King Herod

soldiers killing babies

The Wise Men had told Herod that Jesus would be king. Herod wanted to be the only king. He told his soldiers to kill all the babies in Bethlehem and nearby places.

angel appearing to Joseph

An angel told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt, a country far from Bethlehem. Herod would not look for Jesus there.

Joseph, Mary, and Jesus traveling

Joseph obeyed. He and Mary and Jesus were in Egypt when Herod’s soldiers killed all the babies in Bethlehem and nearby places.

Joseph, Mary, and Jesus traveling

After King Herod died, an angel told Joseph to take Jesus and Mary home. Joseph took them to Nazareth, where Jesus was safe.