undefined undefined Contents
Scripture Stories

“Contents,” New Testament Stories (2005), iii–vii

“Contents,” New Testament Stories, iii–vii



Some of the information in this book is taken from the nonscriptural sources cited below.

Bible Dictionary in the Latter-day Saint edition of the King James Version of the Bible (1979)

James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 3rd edition (1916)

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith (1976)

To the Reader

New Testament Stories has been written especially for you. These stories are taken from a book that is sacred. As you read these stories, remember they are about real people who lived long ago.

Read the stories over and over until you know them well. You will also want to read them from the Bible. Under most of the pictures, you will see references that tell you where to find that story in the Bible or other books. Have your father, mother, teacher, or a friend help you find the story in the scriptures.

If you do not know what a word means, look it up in the “Words to Know” section at the back of the book. If you want to learn more about a place, look it up in the “Places to Know” section. If you do not know who a person is, look him or her up in the “People to Know” section. This book also has a section with photographs of places in the Holy Land and a New Testament time line.

To Parents and Teachers

This book can help you teach the scriptures. Use the “Words to Know,” “Places to Know,” and “People to Know” sections to help children become familiar with words, people, and places in this book. Other helps in this book include maps, photographs, and a time line.

As you teach, share your testimony of the Bible. Encourage those you teach to prayerfully seek their own testimonies of the scriptures and of the Savior, Jesus Christ. The understanding of those you teach will grow even greater as you read them their favorite stories from the Bible itself.