undefined undefined People to Know
Scripture Stories
People to Know

“People to Know,” New Testament Stories (2005), 179

“People to Know,” New Testament Stories, 179

People to Know

Agrippaa Roman king who ruled in Israel. Paul told Agrippa about Jesus Christ.

Ananiasa disciple of Jesus Christ who lived in Damascus. He blessed Paul and took care of him after Paul was blinded during a vision.

Annaa faithful widow who saw Jesus when He was a baby and taught people that Jesus was the Son of God and the Redeemer

Caiaphasthe Jewish high priest who took part in condemning Jesus at His trial

Eliasan Old Testament prophet

Elisabeththe mother of John the Baptist

Gabrielthe angel who visited Mary and told her that she would be the mother of Jesus. Gabriel also came to Zacharias and told him he would have a son who would be John the Baptist.

Godmay refer to Heavenly Father or to Jesus Christ

Heavenly Fatherthe Father of our spirit bodies. We pray to Him.

Heroda wicked king who ruled in Jerusalem when Jesus was born. He had all the babies in Bethlehem killed in hopes of killing the baby Jesus.

Holy Ghostone of the three members of the Godhead. He helps Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. He has power to help people know the truth. He is a spirit and does not have a body of flesh and bone.

Isaiahan Old Testament prophet who wrote about Jesus

Jairusa Jewish leader in Capernaum. Jesus raised his daughter from the dead.

Jamesone of Jesus’s Twelve Apostles. He was one of Peter’s counselors after Jesus’s death.

Jesus Christthe Son of God and Savior of the world. He suffered and died for our sins.

JewsIsraelites who were part of the kingdom of Judah. Jesus was a Jew.

Johnone of Jesus’s Twelve Apostles. He was one of Peter’s counselors after Jesus’s death.

John the Baptistthe prophet who baptized Jesus. He was the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth.

JosephMary’s husband. Joseph took good care of Jesus and Mary.

Joseph SmithWhen Joseph Smith was a boy, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ visited him. They told him not to join any of the churches then on the earth because they had all strayed from the truth. Through Joseph Smith, the true Church of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth.

Judas Iscariotone of Jesus’s Apostles. Judas turned Jesus over to wicked men for 30 pieces of silver.

Lazarusa man Jesus raised from the dead

Marythe mother of Jesus

Mary and Marthathe sisters of Lazarus and friends of Jesus

Mary MagdaleneJesus’s friend and the first person to see Jesus after His Resurrection

Matthiasa disciple of Jesus who was called to take Judas Iscariot’s place as one of the Twelve Apostles

Messiahanother name for Jesus Christ

Mosesan Old Testament prophet

Nicodemusa ruler of the Jews who believed that Jesus was the Savior. Jesus taught Nicodemus about baptism.

Paula man who did not like Jesus’s disciples until he saw Jesus in a vision and became converted. He then served God and became one of the Apostles. He was also known as Saul.

Peterone of Jesus’s Twelve Apostles and President of the Church after Jesus’s death

Phariseesleaders of the Jews. Most of them hated Jesus and His disciples.

Pontius Pilatethe Roman governor in Jerusalem. The Jews told Pilate to crucify Jesus, and Pilate allowed Jesus to be killed.

Romansthe people who controlled the land Jesus lived in during His life

Samaritansa group of people who lived in the land Jesus lived in. The Jews and Samaritans usually did not like each other.

Satana spirit son of Heavenly Father. He did not obey Heavenly Father, so he was sent out of heaven. He became the devil. Satan tries to tempt people to do that which is wrong.

Saulsee Paul

SaviorJesus Christ is the Savior. He suffered and died for our sins. Because of Him, we can be forgiven of our sins, if we repent, and we will live forever.

Silasa missionary and Paul’s friend

Simeona righteous man who saw the baby Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem

Simona man in Samaria. He tried to buy the priesthood from Peter and John. They taught him that a person cannot buy the priesthood.

Stephena righteous leader of the Church of Jesus Christ. The Pharisees killed him.

Tabithaa good woman whom Peter brought back to life

Zachariasthe father of John the Baptist