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Teaching Children

“Goals,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Goals,” Resources by Topic


My Cooking Goal” ( Friend or Liahona, Jun. 2020).Fernanda makes a goal to learn how to cook from her dad. Now she loves to cook and bake!

Gracie’s Goal” (Friend, Jan. 2020).Gracie has a goal to read the Book of Mormon before her ninth birthday, but it’s really hard to read it. Her grandma helps her read every day so Gracie can reach her goal.

Keep Trying!” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2018).Elder Peter F. Meurs of the Seventy shares how he was afraid to play the piano and speak in front of people but that working through his fears has helped him to bless others. The Friend version includes a “Find It!” activity.

Running with Dad” (Friend, Jun. 2017).TJ trains to run a half-marathon with his dad.

When I Grow Up … I Want to Be a Stained-Glass Artist” (Friend, Jul. 2015).Meet an artist who helps create stained-glass windows for the temple.

The Candy Challenge” (Friend, Jun. 2015).Lillie made a goal to not eat candy for a year. Prayer helped her succeed.

The Book of Mormon Challenge” (Friend, Apr. 2015).Blake decides to read the Book of Mormon … again!

Some of my friends have stopped doing their homework or studying for tests. They just want to goof off. Sometimes I want to join them. Is school really worth the effort?” (Friend, Apr. 2015).Part of the “Question Corner” series. Kids share answers.

On to the Victory!” (Friend, Apr. 2015).Part of the “Friend to Friend” series. Elder S. Gifford Nielsen of the Seventy used courage when he wanted to give up.

Abby’s Top-10 List” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2015).President Rosemary M. Wixom, then Primary General President, tells of a visit to a Young Women class.