undefined undefined Gratitude
Teaching Children

“Gratitude,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Gratitude,” Resources by Topic


Thankful for Jesus” (Friend, Jun. 2020).Brynn gets to draw a picture of what she is most thankful for, so she chooses to draw Jesus.

The Gratitude Goal” (Friend, May 2019).Kate, whose favorite scripture story is about the ten lepers, remembers to say “thank you” to the coach when she tries out for a soccer team.

The Story of the Ten Lepers” (Friend, May 2019).A rebus retelling of the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers.

3-D Thankful Apple” (Friend, Nov. 2018).Part of the “Food & Fun” series. Instructions for making a paper apple that has things you are grateful for written on it.

Grow a Family Gratitude Tree” (Friend, Nov. 2018).Make a family gratitude tree by writing things you are grateful for on paper leaves.

Family Night Fun: Fishing for Blessings” (Friend, Nov. 2017).Part of the “Family Night Fun” series. Play this game with your family to talk about ways Heavenly Father has blessed you.

Bright Idea Poster: “Thanks to our Father we will bring, for He gives us everything” (Friend, Nov. 2016).Part of the “Bright Idea Poster” series. A poster of children playing.

Grateful No Matter What” (Friend, Oct. 2015).Part of the “From the First Presidency” series. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf teaches about gratitude. Includes a matching activity.

Family Fun Time: The Random Acts of Kindness Wall” (Friend, Apr. 2015).How many kind things can your family do for each other this month?

There’s Always Time to Pray” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2015).Fynn prays to be able to find friends at school.