undefined undefined How can I help members who identify as gay or experience same-sex attraction feel loved, welcomed, and inspired at church?
Same-Sex Attraction
How can I help members who identify as gay or experience same-sex attraction feel loved, welcomed, and inspired at church?

“How can I help members who identify as gay or experience same-sex attraction feel loved, welcomed, and inspired at church?” Same-Sex Attraction: Church Leaders (2020)

“How can I help members who identify as gay or experience same-sex attraction feel loved, welcomed, and inspired at church?” Same-Sex Attraction: Church Leaders

How can I help members who identify as gay or experience same-sex attraction feel loved, welcomed, and inspired at church?

Allow for Growth and Responsibility


Lifting Others

“It is so important that we understand, first of all, that everyone is in a different place along the path and that we develop an awareness of the people that are around us.

“I know people who come to church every Sunday so that they can be inspired and uplifted and who just simply walk away feeling judged and unloved and unneeded, like there is no place for them at church. We need to do this differently. We need to be deeply aware of what the purpose of coming to church on Sunday is and make sure that everyone who comes feels loved, needed, accepted, and lifted. Everybody has struggles we don’t even know about. And it’s so important that we be aware that everyone around us is loved of God and that we need to see them through Christlike eyes. And we cannot allow judgment to dictate the way we interact with people. It’s just simply not right. I feel that the Lord places us where we are and connects us with the people around us for a purpose.

“Because it’s not only about our own progression but about helping others progress. And I have come to recognize that we are placed where we are so that we can love and lift others.

“We just cannot be, or even call ourselves, a disciple of Christ if we are not helping others along that path. The gospel of Jesus Christ does not marginalize people. People marginalize people. And we have to fix that. We need to be sensitive and love them and allow them the opportunity to grow and to blossom and to be their best selves. They have talents and abilities and personality that is needed in the kingdom of God. And if we are going to build the kingdom of God on the earth, we need everyone to come, to come and do their part. And we need to recognize that. When anyone’s shadow darkens the door of the chapel, they ought to feel immediately embraced and loved and lifted and inspired, when they walk out that door, to go and be better. Because they know the Lord loves them. And because they have friends in their faith” (Carol F. McConkie, “Lifting Others,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org).