Same-Sex Attraction: Church Leaders What do I need to understand about same-sex attraction? What causes same-sex attraction? Is feeling same-sex attraction a sin? I have an appointment with a member who identifies as lesbian, gay, or bisexual or experiences same-sex attraction. What should I do or say? How can I include or reach out to those who experience same-sex attraction in my ward or stake? How can I help those in my ward or stake feel that they are loved, valued, and needed? How do I minister to the “one” in the case of LGBTQ members? Will the Church ever change its doctrine and sanction same-sex marriage? How can I help members who identify as gay or experience same-sex attraction feel loved, welcomed, and inspired at church? Should I recommend professional counseling to gay members and/or their families? How do I help members who experience gender dysphoria or identify as transgender? How can I support members and their families who may be experiencing depression or thoughts of suicide? Are there restrictions on Church participation for members who identify as gay or experience same-sex attraction? Why shouldn’t leaders encourage heterosexual marriage for those who experience same-sex attraction or identify as gay? What is the counsel about acting on sexual impulses?