Sharing the Gospel
Fifth-Sunday Lesson Ideas

Young men at church meeting

Fifth-Sunday Lesson Ideas

Fifth-Sunday lessons provide wonderful opportunities to encourage members to live the principles of “love, share, and invite” and recognize the joy and blessings that come from sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. One objective of a fifth-Sunday lesson could be to help each member share the gospel of Jesus Christ in normal and natural ways by acting upon the principles of “love, share, and invite.”

Follow the guidance of the Spirit as you prepare. Teach in a way that encourages your ward or branch members, especially the youth, to participate in the discussion. The following ideas and resources may assist you in your efforts.

Concepts to Consider

The blessings and joy of sharing the gospel are available to each of us. All Church members are blessed as we love God and our neighbors; share the gospel as an extension of our personal, family, and church life; and invite others to come and see, come and help, and come and belong.

Sharing the gospel brings joy to us, to the Lord, and to others. It also brings the Spirit and God’s power more abundantly into our lives (see Mosiah 18:10; John 15:4–5), protects us from temptation (see 3 Nephi 18:24–25), and brings healing and forgiveness of sins (see Doctrine and Covenants 62:3).

Sharing the Gospel Resources

The resources listed below can help you understand ways to help Church members share the gospel by acting upon the principles of “love, share, and invite.”

Possible Discussion Questions

  • How does sharing the gospel bring us closer to Jesus Christ?

  • How can we involve others in our Christ-centered lives in normal and natural ways?

  • In what ways are we sharing the gospel naturally? How can we build on those efforts?

  • How can our ward create an environment where it is easier to love, share, and invite?

  • How do we get started sharing Church resources?
