Self-Reliance Resources
11: Commit

“Continually Improving My Business: Commit,” Starting and Growing My Business for Self-Reliance (2017)

“Continually Improving My Business: Commit”


Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

My Business Presentation


Next week you will be asked to give a five-minute presentation on your business. Your Personal Business Planner should be a good resource for helping you prepare.

Assume that you are making this presentation to a group of potential investors. You can decide how to organize and deliver your presentation, but it needs to include the following items:

  • The unmet customer need that you will address

  • The service or product you will offer

  • Your competitive advantage

  • Your target customers

  • Your plan for acquiring customers

  • Resources you will need

  • Evidence that your business can be profitable

  • Next steps for your business

Prepare a professional, high-quality presentation, and practice it to ensure that it stays within five minutes. Dress in business attire to deliver your presentation.

Next week is our last scheduled group meeting. After our business presentations, we will take time to reflect and celebrate. Plan on this meeting lasting 2.5 hours. Group members could bring refreshments to share after the presentations.

Note to the facilitator: You are encouraged to invite two or three business professionals from the stake or community to join the group next week and provide feedback on the business presentations. You and these professionals will fill out forms to give the presenter immediately afterward. The purpose of these forms is not to assess presentation skills but instead to provide ideas on developing or improving various elements of a person’s business. Before next week’s meeting, make copies of the Presentation Feedback Form below. You will need to have three or four copies for each group member.

Presentation Feedback Form

Read each of the commitments below with your action partner. Your ability to succeed in starting or growing your business will dramatically improve as you diligently keep your weekly commitments. Promise to keep your commitments and then sign below.

My Commitments

A. I will keep the “My Foundation” commitments for this week:

  • Pray individually and as a family each morning and night.

  • Share what I’ve learned about communication with my family or friends.

B. I will research the legal and regulatory requirements for my business.

C. I will prepare and practice delivering my business presentation.

D. I will review my “Ponder” page and keep the commitments.

E. I will contact and support my action partner.

Remember that next week, you will be asked to report the number of days that you talked with customers, wrote in your business notebook, sold, and recorded financial details (see the “Evaluating My Efforts” chart in the beginning of the book).

My signature

Action partner’s signature

Have a closing prayer.
