Self-Reliance Resources
9: Learn

“Growing My Business: Learn,” Starting and Growing My Business for Self-Reliance (2017)

“Growing My Business: Learn”


Maximum Time: 60 Minutes

1. Three Ways to Grow My Business


Once your business has achieved sustained success in delivering a profitable service or product, it could be ready for growth opportunities. Growing your business may have been part of your plan from the beginning, or it might be a pleasant surprise brought about by your hard work and persistence. Most business owners grow their business in one of three ways, as shown below. In this chapter we’ll explore each of these ways in detail.

Three Ways to Grow My Business

2. Expanding My Services or Products


One effective way to grow your business is by offering additional services or products that meet the needs of your target customers. New services and products create additional revenue streams that help provide stability for your business. Some examples might include those shown below.

Four ways to expand services or products

Note that each of the expanded services or products in these examples is a compatible extension of the core business.

3. Expanding My Target Market


Another way to help your business grow is by expanding the size of your target market. This will allow you to focus on and communicate with more customers, which will hopefully lead to more business. Some of the ways you can expand your target market are shown below.

Six ways to expand target market 1
Six ways to expand target market 2


  • What factors would you want to research and consider before pursuing any of these options?

  • How would you maintain the quality of the services or products in your core business as you expand?

4. Competing for a Greater Percentage of the Market


You can also grow your business by competing for a greater percentage of the market. Business owners do this by focusing on their competitive advantage and increasing the quality of their services or products so that customers will switch to their business. For example, the owner of a movie theater might invest in comfortable chairs and upscale food options, which could attract people who might attend other theaters.

5. Making the Most of Growth Opportunities


We’ve just learned about three ways to grow a business. If you want to grow your business, you need to actively look for potential growth opportunities. Successful business owners learn by taking action (see D&C 58:26–28). They exercise wisdom when considering new opportunities to expand their business by carefully evaluating additional resources and potential challenges. However, they aren’t afraid to experiment and make mistakes. They see mistakes as opportunities to accelerate their learning, which can make them stronger and move them closer to their goals. They have the courage to shift the focus of their business, if necessary, to meet changing customer needs.

Man painting a parking lot


Imagine a business owner who stripes parking lots. He determines that he can gain more business by shifting the focus of his business. After talking with his customers, he learns that they would be willing to pay more if his business would black out old markings and install parking bumpers and speed bumps. He has analyzed this in detail and believes it makes financial sense, so he decides to pursue these new opportunities.

  • What opportunities or obstacles have you noticed that might cause you to shift the focus of your business?

6. Developing a Habit of Contributing to Personal Savings


Your ability to grow your business can be greatly aided if you have personal savings to draw on. One habit that distinguishes successful business owners is that they consistently save money. We have been counseled to pay our tithes and offerings first. Then we should pay ourselves by saving a portion of our money.

Saving money provides funds for emergencies and unanticipated needs. It also provides peace of mind, flexibility with life decisions, and resources for opportunities like growing a business. While there are many ways to save money, what is ultimately important is to save money every week.

Technology can help you save money. You can set up an automatic deduction from your paycheck or an automatic transfer from a checking account to a savings account. Automatic deductions or transfers can help saving become effortless. Some other practical ways to save money include:

  • Building an emergency fund.

  • Establishing a budget.

  • Working toward a short-term savings goal.

  • Depositing lump sum income, such as tax refunds, birthday money, bonuses, and inheritance money.

  • Setting up savings accounts for missions, education, retirement, business opportunities, or other personal goals.

  • Saving your cash or loose change.


What approaches have worked best to help you save money consistently?

7. Cutting Unnecessary Costs


To maintain a healthy profit margin, business owners must often learn to operate with relatively few resources. Successful business owners are frugal and decisive in determining which costs are worthwhile and which are not. Sometimes they take bold action by committing to cut a certain percentage of their costs and then finding creative yet realistic ways to achieve savings. Some common ways that business owners effectively manage costs are shown below.

Be resourceful icon

Be resourceful: Share or reuse equipment and supplies; be willing to buy used rather than new.

For example, a graphic design shop was selective in buying used office furniture that met its needs.

Maintain focus icon

Maintain focus: Use time effectively by focusing on priorities and projects that generate the most revenue.

For example, an engineering firm specialized by focusing on its three most profitable services.

Use technology icon

Use technology: Use technology to increase productivity, improve communication, and reduce costs.

For example, to reduce travel expenses, a software development business used low-cost videoconferencing and teleconferencing services.

Use purchasing power icon

Use purchasing power: Shop around or get cost estimates from multiple sources, negotiate expenses to get the best price possible, or buy in bulk.

For example, a leatherworking business requested cost estimates from a variety of potential leather suppliers.
