undefined undefined 9: My Foundation
Self-Reliance Resources
9: My Foundation

“Growing My Business: My Foundation: Seek Learning: Resolve Where You Are Going and How to Get There,” Starting and Growing My Business for Self-Reliance (2017)

“Growing My Business: My Foundation: Seek Learning: Resolve Where You Are Going and How to Get There”

My Foundation: Seek Learning: Resolve Where You Are Going and How to Get There

Maximum Time: 20 Minutes


How does learning create opportunity?


“Education for a Better Life,” available at srs.lds.org/videos. (No video? Read the script at the end of this section.)



What did Elder Joseph W. Sitati want when he was 13? What did he do about it?


Doctrine and Covenants 88:118–119 and the quote by President Gordon B. Hinckley.


Commit to do the following actions during the week.

  • Complete the “Creating Goals” and “Finding a Mentor” activities below.

  • Finish writing your “life’s mission” plan and discuss it with your family or friends.

  • Ask someone to be your mentor and set up a time to meet.