undefined undefined 12: Commit
Self-Reliance Resources
12: Commit

“Presenting My Business: Commit,” Starting and Growing My Business for Self-Reliance (2017)

“Presenting My Business: Commit”


Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

Read each of the commitments below with your action partner. Your ability to succeed in starting or growing your business will dramatically improve as you diligently keep your weekly commitments. Promise to keep your commitments and then sign below.

My Commitments

A. I will keep the “My Foundation” commitments for this week:

  • If I have a temple recommend, set a date to attend the temple.

  • If I don’t have a temple recommend, meet with my bishop or branch president to discuss how I can prepare to receive my temple ordinances.

  • Share what I’ve learned about temple ordinances with my family or friends.

B. I will write in my business notebook a list of idesa to move my business forward during the next week.

C. I will refine my Personal Business Planner based on feedback from my presentation.

D. I will review my “Ponder” page and keep the commitments.

E. I will contact and support my action partner.

My signature

Action partner’s signature

Have a closing prayer.

After the prayer, you may want to take a group photo and have refreshments to celebrate the group’s experiences with the course.

Presentation Feedback Form

Presenter Name:

Reviewer Name:

Instructions: Please fill in the four boxes below while the person makes his or her presentation. Give the form to the person immediately after the presentation.

Most promising attributes of the business idea

Potential concerns about the business idea

Ideas for improvement

Recommended contacts

Letter of Completion

I, , have participated in a self-reliance group called “Starting and Growing My Business,” provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and have fulfilled the requirements necessary for completion as follows:

I attended at least 10 of the 12 meetings.

I completed at least 10 of the 12 principles and taught them to my family or friends.

I completed my weekly business commitments for at least 10 of the 12 weeks.

I talked with potential customers for at least 10 of the 12 weeks.

I wrote in my business notebook about my business for at least 10 of the 12 weeks.

I made a business presentation to my group during week 12.

Participant’s name

Participant’s signature


I certify that this participant has completed the requirements listed above.

Facilitator’s name

Facilitator’s signature


Note: A certificate from LDS Business College may be issued at a later date by the stake or district self-reliance committee.

Will You Continue Your Path to Self-Reliance?

Picture of Jesus

“Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am.”

3 Nephi 27:27