undefined undefined 3: Commit
Self-Reliance Resources
3: Commit

“Ensuring That I Have a Profitable Business: Commit,” Starting and Growing My Business for Self-Reliance (2017)

“Ensuring That I Have a Profitable Business: Commit”


Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

Talking with Potential Customers


Talking with customers can help you gain ideas about how to improve your service or product and price it appropriately. This week, talk with at least five potential customers and ask what it would take for them to buy from you. Additionally, you could go online to ask for feedback from potential customers.

Personal Business Planner icon

After putting in this effort and determining your best possible financial information, fill out the lines under “Evidence that my business is profitable” in your Personal Business Planner.

Example: Evidence that my business is profitable

Read each of the commitments below with your action partner. Your ability to succeed in starting or growing your business will dramatically improve as you diligently keep your weekly commitments. Promise to keep your commitments and then sign below.

My Commitments

A. I will keep the “My Foundation” commitments for this week:

  • Keep track of what I earn and spend each day, add up the numbers at the end of the week, and record the total amounts on the Personal Income and Expense Record.

  • Share what I’ve learned today about managing money with my family or friends.

B. I will have conversations with at least five potential customers to gain ideas and learn what it would take for them to buy from me.

C. I will fill out the lines under “Evidence that my business is profitable” in my Personal Business Planner.

D. I will review my “Ponder” page and keep the commitments.

E. I will contact and support my action partner.

Remember that next week, you will be asked to report the number of days that you talked with customers and wrote in your business notebook.

My signature

Action partner’s signature

Have a closing prayer.