Previous Editions

“Learn,” Starting and Growing My Business (2014), 184–88

“Learn,” Starting and Growing My Business, 184–88



How does everything fit together?

Time:Set the timer to 60 minutes for the Learn section.

“We Can Do This!” (No video? Read page 192.)

Practice:Maria’s business is better than it was 12 weeks ago. How is your own business better than it was 12 weeks ago? Get with a group member. Get out your Business Success Map. Ask, “How has ______ (something from the map) improved your business?”

For example: “How has using multiple suppliers improved your business?”

Take turns asking each other questions for two minutes.

Read:We can do this! We have had successes. We’ve started and grown our businesses! We need to continue to improve our businesses and increase our profits.

Read:QUESTION OF THE WEEK—How will I increase my profits? How can I continue learning and improving?

ACTION OF THE WEEK—I will set goals for my business. I will prepare a presentation about my business.

How will I reach my business goals?

Discuss:Read the quote to the right. What goals “fire your imagination and create excitement in your heart”?

Practice:Write three goals you have for your business. Take two minutes.

Get with two other people. Look at the two goals below.

I want to get better at managing my money because often I don’t have enough to pay for all my expenses unless I borrow from my family, which is sometimes difficult because they don’t always have enough either.

I will double my profits next month.

Answer the questions below. Discuss why you chose each answer.

  1. Which goal is more exciting?

  2. Which goal is easier to remember?

  3. Which goal is easier to measure (knowing when you have reached the goal)?

    Successful business owners set exciting, measurable goals.

Read:Successful business owners set goals that are exciting, easy to remember, and easy to measure.

Practice:On your own, rewrite the three goals for your business. Take two minutes to make your goals exciting, easy to remember, and easy to measure.

Now, everyone stand and close your workbooks. Turn to the person next to you and tell that person your most exciting goal. Quickly move on to the next person until you have shared with everyone.

Get back with the whole group. Share someone else’s goal with the group (don’t share your own).

Discuss:Were your goals exciting, easy to remember, and easy to measure?

Read:Goals don’t just happen because we want them to happen. We have to work hard to achieve our goals. Read President Monson’s quote to the right.

Practice:Write your three goals again below. Write what you plan to do to achieve your goals (example provided).



I will double my profits next month by opening a stand on a busy street.

I will have my son run my business while I look for a good place for my new stand.

I will give out samples so people know to buy from me.

Successful business owners never give up.

Read:We will likely have difficulties and disappointments as we work on our goals. Successful business owners never give up, and they plan ways to overcome difficulties. Read the story below.

Write:Share ideas of ways you can overcome difficulties in achieving your goals. Remember that the Lord can help you and that other people can help you. Write your ideas below.

How do I prepare for graduation?

Read:As part of graduation, we will each stand and describe our businesses to other business owners, family members, and friends. As you watch the video, follow along with the instructions below.

“My Business in Five Minutes” (No video? The facilitator can read page 193 while everyone else follows along with the instructions below.)


Part 1:

In less than one minute, describe your business.

Part 2:

In less than one minute, describe how answering one of the following questions greatly improved your business:

  1. What do people want to buy?

  2. How do I sell?

  3. How do I control costs?

  4. How do I increase profits?

  5. How do I run my business?

Part 3:

In less than one minute, describe how you have increased savings and kept financial records.

  • How many weeks did you add to your savings? ___

  • How many weeks did you keep business financial records? ___

  • How many weeks did you keep personal financial records? ___

Part 4:

In less than one minute, describe one thing you will do to continue improving your business.

Part 5:

In less than one minute, describe one business goal you have and how you will reach your goal.

Practice:During the week, think about what you would like to share. Write your ideas in your business notebook. Practice giving your presentation to your family or friends. Come prepared to share your business presentations. (If you choose, you can use notes, charts, or other visual aids.)

What will I do after graduation?

Read:Successful business owners continually seek learning. We can learn from books, other business owners, classes, and each other.

For example, you may consider legally registering your business. Discussing this with your group members or members of a business council can help you know when and how to do it.

Successful business owners learn continually.

Discuss:Would you like to continue meeting as a group? Would you like to meet with other groups in the stake?

Read:If we choose to continue meeting, we could create our own agenda or follow an agenda like this:

Am I becoming more self-reliant?

My Path to Self-Reliance cover

Our goal is self-reliance, both temporal and spiritual. Making our businesses succeed is only part of that goal.

Discuss:What changes have you seen in your life as you have practiced and taught the My Foundation principles?

Practice:Open your My Path to Self-Reliance booklet to a blank self-reliance assessment (in the back). Complete the steps.

When you are done, take three minutes to ponder the following:

Are you now more aware of your expenses? Can you now answer “often” or “always” to more of these questions? Are you more confident in the amount you have set as your self-reliant income? Are you closer to achieving your self-reliant income? What can you do to improve?
