Heavenly Father

“Heavenly Father,” Doctrinal Study (2022)

“Heavenly Father,” Doctrinal Study

Heavenly Father

“Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you”

sun shining through clouds

When we think about God, we might think about Him as a distant Being who lives in heaven. But we can also think about Him in a personal way. He really does care about us: our feelings, our experiences, our hopes and dreams. He is our loving Heavenly Father. “It is significant that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that are given to [God], He has asked us to address Him as Father.” 1

As we come to know Heavenly Father and feel His love for us, we will feel greater love for Him and want to draw nearer to Him.

If you’d like to learn more about Heavenly Father more deeply, consider the suggestions below.

What is Heavenly Father like?

stained glass image of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

If we want to have faith in Heavenly Father, it can be helpful for us to have “a correct idea of his character, perfections and attributes.” 2 What do we know about Heavenly Father’s character? Here are just a few things that have been revealed about Him:

When we learn more about what Heavenly Father is like, we can feel inspired to become more like Him. Of all the things He could use His power and knowledge to do, He chooses to focus on helping us. “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” 11 He wants us to have everything that He has. 12

Think about

When Joseph Smith prayed for mercy and wisdom as a young man, he received his First Vision of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. In this vision he learned more about God 13 than was taught in any religion in his day. You can read some of the things He taught about Heavenly Father here. 14 Which of these teachings inspire you?

If you want to learn more

How can we strengthen our relationship with Heavenly Father?

young woman praying in field

Heavenly Father wants us to be close to Him—and He wants to be close to us. Through His Son Jesus Christ, He extends to us this invitation: “Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you.” 15

There are many ways in which we can strengthen our relationship with Heavenly Father. What helps you feel close to Him? Try to spend some time doing things that help you feel close to Him. We can speak with Him through prayer and listen for His counsel through the Holy Ghost. And we’ll come to understand Him more as we do the things He’s asked us to do, like loving and serving the people around us and keeping His commandments.

Think about

Notice how prayer strengthened a woman’s relationship with Heavenly Father in the video “Prayer.” What are you inspired to do to draw closer to Him?

Activity idea

Consider asking a family member or friend to find something in their life that can strengthen their relationship with Heavenly Father. Ask them to share what they found. Then you can share something with them too.

If you want to learn more
