
“Commandments,” Doctrinal Study (2022)

“Commandments,” Doctrinal Study


Guiding us to become more like our Savior

church steeple

Commandments are the rules and requirements that Jesus Christ has given to help us grow and become like Him. We might say that they are a manifestation of His love for us. Why? Because they are part of Heavenly Father’s plan to help us live joyful lives. As Elder L. Tom Perry taught, “the world changes constantly and dramatically, but God, His commandments, and promised blessings do not change.” 1

If you’d like to study the commandments more deeply, consider the suggestions below.

Commandments are a vital part of the gospel

water falling in fountain

Jesus revealed the Ten Commandments to Moses in ancient times, 2 and He has restated them in latter-day revelations. 3 These commandments prohibit sins such as murder, adultery, and dishonesty.

Jesus also revealed commandments that require our efforts to do something good such as to pray, 4 to forgive, 5 and to care for the poor and needy. 6 He taught that the two greatest commandments are to love Heavenly Father and to love others. 7

Commandments provide essential gospel principles for us to follow. They guide our thoughts and behavior and help us become more like Jesus.

Think about

  • Imagine that you were talking with someone, and he or she said that commandments were only meant for people in the Bible and don’t apply to us today. How could you respond?

  • Why do you think Jesus said that the greatest commandments are to love God and to love others? In what ways do other commandments reflect the meaning of these two commandments?

Becoming like Jesus

Watch “10 Commandments Memorization Trick” or “Why Does God Give Us Commandments?” Then you could talk about why commandments are an important step in learning the gospel and becoming more like Jesus.

If you want to learn more

Commandments guide us toward blessings and happiness

kids walking on arrow painted on ground

Commandments act as signs or guides that can help us along our journey in life. When we are baptized, we promise to keep commandments. And we promise the same thing when we take the sacrament. When we struggle to be obedient, Jesus invites us to repent and turn back to Him. The scriptures teach us that as we follow the Savior’s example, we will “be blessed in all things” now and in heaven. 8

Think about

Watch “Our Work Is To Keep the Commandments.” Has there been a time in your life when you felt blessed or supported when you followed a commandment? Perhaps you could write down your experience or share it with a family member or friend.

Activity idea

Watch “Lift.” Is there an act of kindness or service that you or your group could provide for a family member, friend, or neighbor? Have you ever felt blessed or supported when you helped someone else?

If you want to learn more
