
“Obedience,” Doctrinal Study (2022)

“Obedience,” Doctrinal Study


“The truth shall set you free”

tower of pebbles by ocean

A wise king in the Book of Mormon taught his people that obedience to God’s commandments would lead them to happiness. 1 And in the New Testament, we read that Jesus said, “If ye continue in my word, then ye are my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” 2

If you’d like to learn about obedience more deeply, consider the suggestions below.

Why should we be obedient?

field with wood fence

Sometimes we might feel like being obedient to God’s commandments is unnecessary or restrictive, but what if they are actually there to help us? Let’s try an experiment. For the next day or two after you read this, try paying attention to things in your environment like fences, railings, street signs, and warning signs. Why have they been placed where they are? What do you think could happen if they were removed?

spiral staircase

Now let’s apply this same way of thinking to our spiritual lives. Does it seem like God’s commandments have been put in place to restrict our spiritual growth? What qualities and skills could we develop by following them?

Think about

Watch “Blessed And Happy Are Those Who Keep the Commandments of God.” Then you might think about a time in your life when you were blessed by being obedient. What did you learn or experience? What do you think might have been different if you had not been obedient? Consider writing down your thoughts or sharing them with a loved one.

We receive and show love through obedience

two young girls standing hand in hand

The gospel teaches us to become new people through Jesus Christ. 3 One way that we can do this is by being obedient to the moral and spiritual guidelines that have been revealed for us to follow. When we follow these guidelines, we become “truly free to reach the potential and the glory which our Heavenly Father has in store for us.” 4

As we continue in our obedience, our trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus will grow. We will come to a greater understanding of how deeply They love us, and we will show our love and respect for Them. We will also become more patient and loving with others and with ourselves. Jesus taught, “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.” 5

Think about

Think about one aspect of your life where you have learned something new or gained a new skill—it could be a hobby, a sport, an educational topic, a social skill, or anything similar. How did you go about the learning process? Were there any guidelines, recommendations, or teaching tips that helped you? Do you think that you would have been as successful without any guidance or support?

Activity idea

Watch “Going to Grandma’s.” Does it change our way of thinking when we consider obedience as a way of receiving and showing love?

If you want to learn more
