undefined undefined Plan


Hand holding a smartphone

When I plan ahead, I feel better and make better choices.

I like to play the guitar, and I’m pretty good at it. Whenever I have a performance coming up, I know that I have to practice and plan ahead. It’s the same thing with technology: when I plan ahead, I feel better and make better choices.

I came up with some simple rules that help me stick to my plan:

  • I give myself a daily limit for screen time.

  • I only “follow” and contact close family and friends.

  • I have device-free areas at home, like my bedroom and my bathroom.

  • I set up a family charging station, so everyone’s devices are plugged in and out of reach at night.

  • I use filters to block inappropriate or unsafe applications and content.

There isn’t a clear right or wrong decision for every choice I could make with technology. But planning ahead helps. And I can talk to my friends and family about their ideas too.

For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices
