It’s OK for me to pause and take a break.
Sometimes it feels like I need to be using technology to feel happy or connected to other people. Or I scroll because I’m feeling lonely or bored. Sometimes I come across things that are violent, scary, or sexual, and I’m not sure how to respond.
I’ve learned that it’s OK for me to pause and take a break. The Spirit will guide me and warn me, and it will help me think about how I’m acting and feeling. Then I can decide if I want to make a different choice.
I’ve found it helpful to:
Call it out: When I see content that’s explicit or that makes me feel bad, lonely, or weird, I can say, “This doesn’t feel right.”
Make a better choice: I can turn off the device or silence my notifications. I can go outside or move to another room, without a device.
Connect with someone: I can talk to a friend or family member about how I’m feeling. Sometimes I need to connect with someone face-to-face, not through a screen.
Taking Charge of Technology: Remedies
Purpose. Plan. Pause. Three little words can make a big difference.
What’s your plan for using technology? You can use this page to take notes or write down some reminders.