Teaching in the Savior’s Way
How does the ward council support teacher council meetings?

“How does the ward council support teacher council meetings?,” Teacher Council Meetings: Frequently Asked Questions (2020)

“How does the ward council support teacher council meetings?,” Teacher Council Meetings: Frequently Asked Questions

How does the ward council support teacher council meetings?

“The ward council, with assistance from the Sunday School presidency, oversees teacher council meetings” (Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 39). This means that members of the ward council:

  • Determine when and where the meetings will be held.

  • Assign someone to lead the meetings.

  • Support ward leaders as they encourage teachers in their organizations to attend.

  • Recommend topics from Teaching in the Savior’s Way to discuss.

  • Model the principles of Teaching in the Savior’s Way in their own teaching and ministry.

Members of the ward council, in their roles as leaders of ward organizations, are responsible for orienting new teachers. When new teachers are called in these leaders’ organizations, they should inspire the teachers with a vision of what it means to be a Christlike teacher (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way, 40).