Additional Helps for Teacher Development
Skill: Explain to students what a devotional is and why we have them

“Skill: Explain to students what a devotional is and why we have them,” Teacher Support and Training Resources (2024)

Classroom Management

Skill: Explain to students what a devotional is and why we have them.

young woman leading music

What is my initial understanding or ability? (Assessment):

On a scale of 1–5, how well do you think your students understand why they have a devotional each class?

What is it and why is it important? (Define):

At the beginning of each term or when the teacher feels it is necessary, it is helpful to explain to students what a devotional is and why we have them. In the English language, the root word for devotional is devote. To devote means to set apart something for a specific cause or purpose. A devotional literally is an act where we devote the class to God.

Reasons to start with a devotional:

  • Each portion of the devotional invites the Spirit of the Lord to the class.

  • It promotes learner readiness and invites diligent learning.

  • It prepares students for leadership and other responsibilities in the Church.

  • It reminds the class that this time is not theirs but has been devoted to Him.

Seminary and institute classes should begin with a devotional. It often includes a hymn that the class sings, a prayer, and a spiritual thought based on the scriptures or the words of prophets. Students are invited to participate in each aspect of the devotional: playing the hymn, being a chorister for the hymn, offering the prayers, and sharing the spiritual thought. It is also helpful to let students conduct the devotional.

Who or what provides a good illustration of this? (Model):

“Class, for the next few minutes I will explain how we will begin seminary each day. Seminary begins with a devotional. In the English language, the root word for devotional is devote. To devote means to set apart something for a specific cause or purpose. A devotional literally is an act where we devote the class to God. A devotional consists of a hymn, a prayer, and a spiritual thought given by a student. A devotional is one of the best things we can do to invite the Holy Ghost to be with us each class.”

How can I practice using this skill or applying this principle? (Practice):

Write down what you would say to help your students understand what a devotional is and why it is important to begin class with it. You may want to practice sharing it with someone before you explain it to the class.

Ponder or discuss:

What additional benefits have you discovered for starting each class with a devotional?

How and when will I incorporate this?

In the upcoming week, take time to help students understand what a devotional is and why you have them as you begin each class.

You can also include one or more of the following:

  • Invite students to share why they think starting class with a devotional is beneficial.

  • Have older students provide examples of giving the spiritual thought.

  • Invite older students to share how starting class with a devotional has been a blessing for them.
