Additional Helps for Teacher Development
Skill: Asking questions to understand reasons why a student is late

“Skill: Asking questions to understand reasons why a student is late,” Teacher Support and Training Resources (2024)

Classroom Management

Skill: Asking questions to understand reasons why a student is late.

woman and boy laughing

What is my initial understanding or ability? (Assessment)

When a student begins a pattern of arriving late to class, what can you do as a teacher to help with the situation?

What is it and why is it important? (Define):

When a student arrives late to class, it is important for teachers to ask questions to better understand why. The teacher should find time to talk with the student individually to identify why the student is late. Identifying why the student is late allows the teacher and the student to start from the same place in considering possible solutions. Here are some questions a teacher could ask:

  • I have noticed that you are arriving late for class. Can you help me understand what is making you come late?

  • Is there something that is making it difficult for you to arrive on time?

Who or what provides a good illustration of this? (Model):

Margaret has arrived late to class for three days now. Brother Tate asks Margaret to stay a couple of minutes after class. He expresses gratitude for her coming to class and then asks, “Is there something that is making it difficult for you to arrive on time?”

How can I practice using this skill or applying this principle? (Practice):

Think of a student who has been struggling to arrive on time. Write down a question you could ask them to help you understand the reason why.

Ponder or discuss:

Why do you think it is important for a student to have the opportunity to share with you why they are late?

How and when will I incorporate this?

Find a time to approach the student you thought of in the practice above and ask them the question you wrote down to help you understand the reason why.
