undefined undefined Chapter 11: The Functions of the Holy Ghost
Seminaries and Institutes
Chapter 11: The Functions of the Holy Ghost

“Chapter 11: The Functions of the Holy Ghost,” Teaching the Gospel: A CES Training Resource for Teaching Improvement (2000), 41–42

“Chapter 11,” Teaching the Gospel, 41–42


The Functions of the Holy Ghost

Principle to Emphasize

There are a number of functions of the Holy Ghost that are “directly related to gospel teaching and learning” (Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook, 12).

Suggested Training Activities

(50 minutes)

❖ Scripture Activity

Read 1 Corinthians 2:1–5 together. Ask teachers:

  • How did Paul describe his preaching to the Corinthians?

  • According to verses 4–5, why did Paul feel that it was more important to preach by the Spirit than “with enticing words of man’s wisdom”?

✰ Group Work

Distribute handout 11. Have teachers separate into groups of three or four. Divide the scripture reading between the groups, and have them follow the instructions on the handout. Invite them to share with the in-service group their response to the question on the handout.

❖ Video

Show presentation 13, “’A Man without Eloquence’” (5:50). In this presentation, President Brigham Young shares the story of his conversion, emphasizing that it is the Holy Ghost that “convinces man.” Have teachers look for evidence of the functions of the Holy Ghost and the answer to Brigham Young’s question: “What is it that convinces man?”

Following the video, discuss the following questions:

  • What is it that convinces man?

  • How could Eleazer Miller’s example help the confidence of less-experienced teachers?

  • What evidence of the functions of the Holy Ghost did you find in this presentation?

  • How are functions of the Holy Ghost manifested in CES classes?

Handout 11


As a group, read the scriptures indicated in the bulleted paragraphs under the heading “The Role or Functions of the Holy Ghost” on pages 12–13 of Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook. As you read, make note of any thoughts, feelings, or insights you have.

After you read, write your answer to the following question: How might you help your students be more aware of these functions of the Holy Ghost in gospel learning? Be prepared to share your answer with the in-service group.