undefined undefined Chapter 7: Live the Gospel
Seminaries and Institutes
Chapter 7: Live the Gospel

“Chapter 7: Live the Gospel,” Teaching the Gospel: A CES Training Resource for Teaching Improvement (2000), 30

“Chapter 7,” Teaching the Gospel, 30


Live the Gospel

Principle to Emphasize

“These values—doing the Lord’s work, understanding his word, living in harmony with his will, and striving for perfection—are all part of the CES teacher’s and leader’s commission to live the gospel” (Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook, 7).

Suggested Training Activities

(45 minutes)

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Invite teachers to carefully read the section entitled “Live the Gospel” (handbook, 6–7) and look for what values are associated with this part of a CES teacher’s commission. Have teachers underline the four values in their copies of the handbook. Ask teachers:

  • In what ways is doing God’s work the “central value”?

  • How does understanding God’s word help us do God’s work?

  • What are two of the covenants made by every Latter-day Saint?

  • How might these two covenants influence your preparation and presentation?

  • According to President Ezra Taft Benson, what is the sequence to possessing the power of God in your teaching? (see handbook, 7).

  • What does it mean to live in harmony with the Lord’s will? (see handbook, 7).

  • How is the Savior a part of our striving for perfection? (see handbook, 7).

  • When we “come unto Christ,” what does it mean to “be perfected in him”?

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Show presentation 7, “’Even As I Am’” (3:25). In this presentation, President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, explains that we teach what we are. He emphasizes the Savior’s question, “What manner of [teacher] ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27). Following the video, ask teachers:

  • How did the way the Savior lived demonstrate the teachings He valued?

  • How did the way the Savior lived reflect His teaching?

  • How does the way you live influence your teaching?

  • What does it mean to you when President Packer says that as you teach properly in the classroom, “you are He and He is you”?

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Invite teachers to read the quotation by Elder John A. Widtsoe of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the section entitled “Live the Gospel” (handbook, 6). Ask teachers:

  • What does it mean to be a partner with God?

  • In this partnership, what did we become “parties to”?

  • How has God’s work become our work?

  • How does providing religious education assist in accomplishing the work of the Father?

Invite teachers to carefully read the quotation by the Prophet Joseph Smith (handbook, 6). Ask teachers:

  • According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, what should be our only motive? (see handbook, 6).

  • How is providing religious education “building [God’s] kingdom”?

Invite teachers to carefully read the quotation by President Heber J. Grant in the second paragraph. Ask teachers: How does our example strengthen our teaching of precepts?

Invite teachers to carefully read the quotation by Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the third paragraph. Ask teachers:

  • What are two types of preparation that bring “power in teaching”? (see handbook, 6).

  • What is the relationship between these two aspects of preparation?

✰ Writing Exercise

Invite teachers to write an answer to the following question: As you consider doing God’s work, understanding His word, living in harmony with His will, and striving for perfection, how can you improve yourself and your teaching so you better represent the Savior?