undefined undefined Chapter 8: Teach Effectively
Seminaries and Institutes
Chapter 8: Teach Effectively

“Chapter 8: Teach Effectively,” Teaching the Gospel: A CES Training Resource for Teaching Improvement (2000), 31–34

“Chapter 8,” Teaching the Gospel, 31–34


Teach Effectively

Principle to Emphasize

“To edify means to build up spiritually or to bring one closer to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Edifying teaching is one of the fundamental values of CES” (Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook, 2).

Suggested Training Activities

(50 minutes)

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Invite teachers to read the second paragraph of the section entitled “How It Is Taught” (handbook, 2). Ask teachers:

  • How does the Lord describe effective teaching? (see handbook, 2).

  • How does this apply to your classroom?

  • What does it mean to “edify”? (see handbook, 2).

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Show presentation 8, “Jesus, the Master Teacher” (3:05). In this presentation President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, explains that it is not untoward for any of us to desire to be like the Savior in our teaching. As they view the presentation, have teachers identify what President Packer says “constitutes a treatise on teaching technique surpassed by none.” Following the presentation, ask teachers:

  • What does President Packer describe as the greatest “treatise on teaching technique”?

  • What does it mean to look upon the Savior as the Master Teacher?

  • Why do you think the Savior’s teaching edified?

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Distribute handout 7. Show presentation 9, “The Woman at the Well” (7:18). (You may have already shown this presentation as part of lesson 2, “Edifying Teaching.”) In this presentation, the Savior teaches a Samaritan woman that He is the source of living water (see John 4:1–30). Have teachers look for answers to the questions on the handout as they view the presentation. Following the video, invite teachers to record their answers on the handout and to share them with the in-service group.

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Group Work

Distribute handout 8 and separate teachers into small groups. Assign each group one of the four scripture references on the handout. Invite them to read their assigned scripture looking for the Savior’s example of edifying teaching. Then have the groups complete the chart on the handout. Invite them to share their answers with the in-service group.

❖ Application

Distribute handout 9. Explain to teachers that the fourteen sets of questions will help them consider how the Savior exemplified the principles taught in the fourteen sections of the handbook. Invite teachers to review the sections of the handbook indicated in parentheses on the handout. Ask teachers to use the questions to consider the Savior’s example as a teacher. Have teachers come to the next in-service meeting prepared to present their insights about one or more of the fourteen sets of questions, including an example from the teachings of the Savior.

You may also wish to use handout 9 in one of the following ways:

  • Discuss a set of questions at the beginning of each training meeting.

  • Use the questions as part of the training of the associated section of the handbook.

  • Have teachers consider examples from the teachings of the prophets for any of the questions.

Handout 7


As you view the video presentation “The Woman at the Well” (see John 4:1–30), look for answers to the questions on the chart below. After the presentation, record your answers in the chart. Be prepared to share your answers with the in-service group.

What did the Savior do as a teacher?

How might this affect the learner?

How can I apply this to my teaching?

Handout 8


Read one or more of the following scripture blocks, and answer the questions in the following chart. Be prepared to share your answers with the in-service group.

  1. Luke 10:25–37. Jesus gave the parable of the good Samaritan.

  2. Luke 10:38–42. Martha learned about the “good part.”

  3. John 21:1–25. Jesus said to Peter, “Feed my sheep.”

  4. 3 Nephi 11:21–41. Jesus taught the Nephites.


What did the Savior do as a teacher?

How might this affect the learner?

How can I apply this to my teaching?

Handout 9


The fourteen sets of questions below will help you consider how the Savior exemplified the principles taught in the fourteen sections of Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook. Review the sections of the handbook indicated in parentheses, and use the questions to consider the Savior’s example as a teacher.


  1. As the Master Teacher, what did the Savior teach and how did He teach it? (see “Religious Education,” 2–3).

  2. How did the Savior exemplify the importance of teaching in accomplishing Heavenly Father’s work? (see “CES and the Mission of the Church,” 3–4).

  3. How did the Savior exemplify the principles of the CES objective? (see “The Objective of CES,” 4–6).

  4. How did the way the Savior lived demonstrate the teachings He valued? (see “The Commission of CES Teachers and Leaders,” 6–9).

  5. Which functions of the Holy Ghost are evident in specific examples of the Savior’s teaching? (see “The Role of the Holy Ghost in Gospel Learning,” 12–13).

  6. What did the Savior do to promote readiness in the hearts and minds of those He taught? How did He maintain their willing and active participation? How did He aid them in making application? (see “The Role of the Student in Gospel Learning,” 13–15).

  7. How did the Savior prepare Himself for His teaching? How were living gospel principles, praying, searching the scriptures, and having faith part of the Savior’s preparation? (see “Prepare Yourself,” 18–19).

  8. What principles influenced what the Savior taught and how He chose to teach it? (see “Decide What to Teach and How to Teach It,” 19–24).

  9. How did the Savior establish and maintain appropriate settings as He taught? (see “Establish and Maintain an Appropriate Setting for Learning,” 24–28).

  10. How did the Savior invite those He taught to look for meaning in the scriptures? How did He encourage them to take a broader perspective of the scriptures and “liken” the scriptures to themselves? When did He read the scriptures with those He taught? When did He summarize the scriptures in His teaching? (see “Scripture Study and Teaching,” 32–35).

  11. How did the Savior exemplify effective teacher presentation? (see “Teacher Presentation or Instruction,” 35–37).

  12. How did the Savior use questions and discussion in His teaching? (see “Questions and Class Discussions,” 37–39).

  13. What objects and symbols did the Savior use in His teaching? How did the Savior use them to help those He taught to learn and understand? (see “Visual, Audio, and Other Teaching Resources,” 39–41).

  14. When has the Savior instructed His people to write and for what purpose? (see “Writing Exercises and Group Work,” 41–43).