undefined undefined Chapter 9: Administer Appropriately
Seminaries and Institutes
Chapter 9: Administer Appropriately

“Chapter 9: Administer Appropriately,” Teaching the Gospel: A CES Training Resource for Teaching Improvement (2000), 35–36

“Chapter 9,” Teaching the Gospel, 35–36


Administer Appropriately

Principles to Emphasize

Administer Appropriately

One of the aspects of administering appropriately is the CES value of “servant leadership” (see Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook, 7).

CES and the Priesthood

The Church Educational System and the ecclesiastical priesthood line form an important partnership. Therefore, CES teachers and leaders should “establish and maintain good relationships with priesthood leaders” (see Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook, 7–8).

Administrative Tasks

There are administrative tasks that must be completed “if the objective of CES is to be accomplished” (see Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook, 7–9).

Suggested Training Activities: Administer Appropriately

(10 minutes)

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Invite teachers to read the first five paragraphs of the section entitled “Administer Appropriately” (handbook, 7). Ask teachers:

  • What CES value is associated with the commission to administer appropriately? (see handbook, 7).

  • How is a teacher also a leader?

  • What does the Savior teach about the relationship between service and leadership? (see handbook, 7).

  • How might service become a greater part of your efforts with those you teach and lead?

Invite teachers to read John 13:6–14.

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Share the following statement by President David O. McKay.

The Savior’s Example of Service

“When the Savior was about to leave his Apostles, he gave them a great example of service. You remember he girded himself with a towel and washed his disciples’ feet. …

“What an example of service to those great servants, followers of the Christ! He that is greatest among you, let him be least. So we sense the obligation to be of greater service to the membership of the Church, to devote our lives to the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1951, 158–59).

Ask teachers:

  • In what ways might a teacher be considered the “least” among those in a classroom?

  • How might service become a greater part of your efforts with those you teach or lead?

Suggested Training Activities: CES and the Priesthood

(20 minutes)

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Invite teachers to identify and discuss the responsibilities and duties of CES leaders and local priesthood leaders as outlined on page 8 of the handbook. Ask teachers:

  • Where does CES receive its direction from? (see handbook, 7).

  • What are some of the differences between CES and other Church organizations? (see handbook, 7).

  • What limitations of their assignment should CES teachers and leaders keep in mind? (see handbook, 8).

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Show presentation 10, “Equally Yoked Together” (4:00). President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, tells of going to a fair and watching a small, nondescript pair of oxen win a pulling match because they hit the yoke together. Invite teachers to look for the characteristics of the winning team of oxen and how those characteristics relate to the partnership between CES and the priesthood. Following the video, ask teachers:

  • What were the characteristics of the winning team?

  • How do these characteristics relate to the partnership between CES and the priesthood?

  • Who do you receive priesthood direction from?

  • How would you characterize your partnership with them?

  • What enables CES personnel and priesthood leaders to “hit the yoke together”?

  • What could you do to enhance your partnership with the priesthood so you can better fulfill your responsibilities?

  • Why is it not appropriate for CES teachers and leaders to assume priesthood leaders’ responsibilities?

  • What might happen if CES teachers attempted to assume priesthood leaders’ responsibilities?

Suggested Training Activities: Administrative Tasks

(25 minutes)

❖ Discussion

Remind teachers of the analogy of the three-legged stool from lesson 6 (p. 26). Each leg of the stool represents one of the three parts of the CES commission. One “leg” that might be easy for teachers to ignore is the responsibility to administer appropriately, but without this leg the stool cannot stand.

Ask teachers:

  • What impact does overlooking administrative tasks have on our ability to teach effectively?

  • What cautions or safeguards aid appropriate administration?

  • What difference does it make when you are careful about your commission to administer appropriately?

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Separate the teachers into four groups. Assign each group a principle of administration (choose from principles 2–5 on pages 8–9 of the handbook). Ask teachers to look for the main points of the paragraphs that describe their assigned principle. Draw four columns on the board, and label them with the following headings: “Follow established policies and procedures,” “Grade student performance,” “Complete reports accurately and on time,” and “Take proper care of Church property and resources.” Invite a representative from each group to write the main points they identified under the appropriate heading on the board.

❖ Demonstration

Conclude the in-service meeting by demonstrating for teachers how to do one of the following administrative tasks, based on their current need: reports, enrollment, grading, safety practices, or another task. Include in the activity a clear definition of the task, an adequate demonstration of the task, and an exercise that allows the teachers to practice doing the task.