Seminaries and Institutes
Chapter 36: Using Audiovisual Presentations

“Chapter 36: Using Audiovisual Presentations,” Teaching the Gospel: A CES Training Resource for Teaching Improvement (2000), 131–33

“Chapter 36,” Teaching the Gospel, 131–33


Using Audiovisual Presentations

Principle to Emphasize

“The use of audiovisual resources can be made more inspiring if students are invited to participate in the learning experience” (Teaching the Gospel: A Handbook, 40).

Suggested Training Activities

(50 minutes)

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Write on the board the headings “Purposes” and “Techniques.” Invite teachers to carefully read the section entitled “Audiovisual Presentations” (handbook, 40). Ask them to look for the purposes of using audiovisual resources and what techniques make these resources even more effective. List their findings under the appropriate headings on the board.

❖ Scripture Activity

Have teachers scan 1 Nephi 11 and note how the Spirit of the Lord taught Nephi. Ask:

  • As the Spirit of the Lord taught Nephi, how did He demonstrate some of the purposes and techniques noted on the board?

  • How might Nephi’s experience apply to your use of audiovisual presentations in the classroom?

✰ Video

Invite teachers to prepare to watch a video presentation by reading 2 Kings 5:1–14. Write on the board little maid, king of Israel, servant of Naaman, and Naaman.

Invite teachers to watch the video looking for the contrasting levels of faith of the characters listed on the board. Demonstrate the appropriate use of media by showing presentation 33, “Naaman and Elisha” (14:25). In this presentation, Naaman, the Syrian, comes to Elisha to be healed of leprosy (see 2 Kings 5).

Pause the presentation after the little maid tells Naaman’s wife about the prophet Elisha. Ask teachers:

  • How do you think the little maid might have developed such strong faith?

  • What influence can faithful youth today have on others through their simple testimonies?

Pause the presentation after the scene with the king of Israel. Ask teachers: How much faith did the king of Israel demonstrate?

Pause the presentation again after Naaman’s servant talks to Naaman about bathing in the River Jordan. Ask teachers:

  • How did Naaman’s servant demonstrate his faith in God?

  • How do you think Naaman felt about Elisha at this point?

At the end of the video, ask teachers:

  • How do you think Naaman felt now about Elisha and the Lord?

  • What made the difference?

As you conclude the discussion, review with teachers the techniques you taught:

  1. Writing on the board what students should look for as they watch or listen

  2. Pausing during the presentation

  3. Inviting students to look for how the message of the story applies to their lives

✰ Writing Exercise

Invite teachers to consider how they would apply the techniques from the previous training activity if they were to use the presentation you are about to show. Distribute copies of handout 39, and invite the teachers to write their responses on the handout as they view the presentation. Show a brief audiovisual presentation from the seminary material or another Church resource.

After they have completed the handout, invite teachers to share their responses with the in-service group.

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Invite teachers to carefully read the section entitled “Cautions” (handbook, 40–41) and underline the four questions that teachers should ask themselves when using visual and audio resources. Ask:

  • What four questions should teachers ask themselves when using visual and audio resources? (see handbook, 40).

  • How are visual and audio resources sometimes misused by teachers? (see handbook, 40).

  • Why is it inappropriate to use an audiovisual product that may carry a good message but has undesirable features? (see handbook, 41).

  • What conditions must be met when using commercially produced videos? (see handbook, 41).

  • What conditions must be met when using radio and television programs taped off the air? (see handbook, 41).

  • What impact do copyright violations have on the presence of the Spirit?

  • What are the restrictions on the duplication of Church-produced materials? (see handbook, 41).

  • What are the laws governing the duplication of music? (see handbook, 41).

  • Why is it important that students and teachers be cautioned about copyright laws?

✰ Application

Invite teachers to use audiovisual resources more effectively in their upcoming lessons by carefully considering their purposes for using these resources, using techniques that involve the students, and heeding cautions about the proper use of such materials. Have teachers share their experience of applying what they have learned (with a colleague or in the next in-service meeting).

Handout 39


As you view the audiovisual presentation, consider how you would apply the following techniques if you were to use the presentation in a lesson. Write your ideas in the spaces provided. Be prepared to share your ideas with the in-service group.

  1. Application. How would you invite your students to look for how this message applies to their lives?

  2. Participation. What would you invite your students to do as they watch or listen to this presentation?

  3. Pausing. Where would you pause during the presentation to point out information or lead a discussion?

  4. Using only part of the presentation. What part of the presentation could you show to make your point or stimulate a discussion without having to show the entire presentation?
