Are there ever any circumstances that justify not accepting a Church job?
March 1973

“Are there ever any circumstances that justify not accepting a Church job?” New Era, Mar. 1973, 50

“Are there ever any circumstances that justify not accepting a Church job?”

Answer/Bishop Victor L. Brown

In the Church we do not aspire to nor seek positions. Rather, we are called through inspiration by those in authority. It is not uncommon for the one receiving the call to consider himself inadequate for the assignment. He, of course, is inadequate if left to his own abilities. It is essential that each worker in the Church enjoy the companionship of the Spirit of the Lord if he is to be effective in carrying out his responsibilities.

In considering our answer to the priesthood officer extending the call, we should remember Nephi’s response to his father Lehi when asked to return to Jerusalem with his rebellious brothers to obtain the plates of brass. Notwithstanding the apparent impossible nature of the assignment, Nephi displayed his faith in the Lord when he said, “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” (1 Ne. 3:7.)

I witnessed this same kind of faith a few years ago in New York City. I was there on business. On fast Sunday I found my way to the Manhattan Ward. I was a stranger, but I remember so clearly the testimony the young bishop bore before turning the meeting to the membership for testimony bearing. He explained that he was a student at Columbia University, working on his doctorate. He had a full-time job making a living for his young family of several children. He said in almost a pleading voice that he prayed constantly to the Lord not to release him from being bishop at least until after he had received his degree. He indicated that the blessings of the Lord had made it possible for him to be in the very highest percentile of his class. This young bishop knew as did Nephi that if he would do his part in accepting a call to serve, even though extremely difficult, the Lord would make him equal to the challenges.

This is the church of Jesus Christ. He is the head of the Church. Each one called is called for one purpose and that is to assist the Savior in bringing about his work and his glory, which he said was to “bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” (Moses 1:39.) What greater opportunity or blessing could come to one than this. This is why we are taught to accept every call that comes to us through the priesthood.

Notwithstanding this, on the rare occasion when the one extending the call may not know of some personal situation, it is not inappropriate to explain it to him. After he is fully acquainted with all factors, if he still desires that we serve, I believe it is our duty to respond.

  • Presiding Bishop
