“Mormonad,” New Era, Mar. 1974, 41
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. …”
Country |
Date Mission Opened or First Missionaries Sent |
American Samoa |
1888 |
Argentina |
1925 |
Armenia |
1921 |
Australia |
1840 |
Austria |
1864 |
Belgium |
1887 |
Bolivia |
1923 |
Brazil |
1925 |
British Guiana |
1852 |
British Honduras |
1852 |
Canada |
1832 |
Ceylon |
1851–1853 |
Chile |
1851 |
China |
1852 |
Colombia |
1852 |
Costa Rica |
1947 |
Czechoslovakia |
1929 |
Denmark |
1850 |
Ecuador |
1959 |
El Salvador |
1947 |
England |
1837 |
Fiji |
1915 |
Finland |
1878 |
France |
1849 |
Germany |
1843 |
Greece |
1894 |
Guatemala |
1947 |
Hawaii |
1850 |
Honduras |
1947 |
Hong Kong |
1852 |
Hungary |
1883 |
Iceland |
1851 |
India |
1853 |
Indonesia |
1969 |
Ireland |
1840 |
Israel |
1841 |
Italy |
1850 |
Jamaica |
1841 |
Japan |
1901 |
Korea |
1956 |
Malta |
1852 |
Mexico |
1875 |
Netherlands |
1861 |
New Guinea |
1860 |
New Zealand |
1853 |
Nicaragua |
1947 |
Norway |
1851 |
Okinawa |
1955 |
Panama |
1947 |
Paraguay |
1947 |
Peru |
1901 |
Philippines |
1961 |
Prussia |
1852 |
Rarotonga |
1945 |
Rhodesia |
1853 |
Russia |
1843–1895 |
Scotland |
1839 |
South Africa |
1853 |
Spain |
1852 |
Sweden |
1850 |
Switzerland |
1850 |
Syria |
1884 |
Tahiti |
1843 |
Taiwan |
1959 |
Thailand |
1852 |
Tonga |
1891 |
Turkey |
1884 |
United States |
1830 |
Uruguay |
1940 |
Venezuela |
1968 |
Vietnam |
1966 |
Wales |
1844 |
Western Samoa |
1888 |
Zambia |
1853 |